Reversing Metabolic Disease: Natural Remedies for Insulin Resistance, Belly Fat, and Hormone Disruptors

Did you know that more than two-thirds of American citizens are overweight and 50 percent are obese? This data is a sign that we’re living in an era of metabolic syndrome epidemic. 

Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of conditions that involve hypertension, insulin resistance, a high waist-to-hip ratio, and dyslipidemia (unhealthy imbalance of triglycerides and blood lipid levels.  

Types of Body Fat: Not All of It Is Unhealthy?

Not every fat type is the same. There’s brown and there’s white fat. And, the first one is healthier than the second one. 

Another problem is the area where the fat collects. Abdominal fat or belly fat accumulates surplus fat and has been associated with cardiovascular diseases and strokes. 

Having surplus fat is a symptom of metabolic syndrome. However, certain changes in your diet may change the trajectory of the metabolism and lower inflammation and fat accumulation.

This will help promote cell regeneration. Our cells are consistently at risk of damage due to our continuous exposure to chemicals, toxins, and stress.

Health Problems Associated with Metabolic Syndrome 

  • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune illness that happens in the person’s immune system when it responds to injury of the beta cells of the pancreas. 

Although there’s a genetic factor in this type of diabetes, other factors like chemical exposure, food intolerance, microbial imbalance, allergies, and excessive stress also affect immunity negatively and overpower the body’s inner regenerative mechanism.

  • Type 2 diabetes is often defined as a diabetes type that’s influenced by various lifestyle factors, like an unhealthy diet, excessive weight, etc. 

The body is unable to process glucose properly and combined with these lifestyle factors, the insulin receptors of the cells become more sensitive and the amount of glucose that can enter reduces. 

This causes surplus glucose and insulin to gather in the blood, i.e. insulin resistance takes place. The glucose in the blood causes an increase in blood sugar levels and raises the risk of tissue damage. 

As a result, the pancreas begins to produce more insulin due to the excess glucose in the blood, resulting in a vicious cycle. When untreated, high insulin resistance may worsen hormonal, brain, and cardiovascular health. 

The Link Between Insulin Resistance & Toxins

People who’re at risk of a metabolic disorder or who’re struggling with one are advised to lower their consumption of sugar and fat. However, this is quite general advice.

Namely, some simple carbs and some fats are excellent for metabolic disorders. If you’re looking to better your blood sugar levels or decrease belly fat, these are some of the ingredients you should avoid:

  • Fructose 

Fructose in its organic form like from fruits is healthy and nourishing. Fruits are rich in other important nutrients, including vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber. 

On the other hand, industrially processed fructose is highly addictive. A lot of processed foods are packed with excessive amounts of added sugar. Other culprits are corn syrup and fruit juices. 

  • Wheat

Wheat starch is around 75 percent amylopectin which has been found to increase the risk of insulin resistance. 

This is why wheat bread is higher on the list of foods with a high glycemic index. Wheat also messes up the biological activity of the hormone for satiety known as leptin. 

The fat cells produce this hormone and give the brain a message to inform the body to stop eating. The lectins from wheat attach to the leptin receptors in the brain and lower the effects of leptin, contributing to leptin resistance. 

This is why we often feel hungry even after we’ve consumed a bag of crackers or a plate of white pasta.

  • Bisphenol A

If your goal is to drop down in weight, your diet is a great place to start. 

Foods that are heavily packaged or excessively processed may expose you to BPA so it’s best to stay away from them. BPA is an industrial chemical that has been associated with metabolic syndrome and obesity. 

This chemical is almost everywhere: it leaches into foods from their contact with containers that contain BPA. 

It’s also present in other sources like plastic dinnerware, toys, dental sealants, medical devices, pipes, etc. Unfortunately, BPA disrupts the endocrine system associated with the regulation of hormones like leptin and insulin. 

  • MSG

MSG is omnipresent today. It takes advantage of our taste receptors, especially the ones for a savory flavor. 

This food additive tricks the taste buds to find a nutritiously empty substance full of synthetic ingredients exceptionally tasty. 

With the overconsumption of foods with MSG, actual, real food which is abundant in nutrients becomes less attractive and satisfying for the taste buds. 

MSG is glutamic acid’s sodium salt. Glutamic acid-rich food sources are dairy, wheat, corn, soy, and seafood. MSG is addictive and has been linked to obesity. It also contributes to insulin resistance and leptin resistance. 

It’s much more than a simple flavor strengthener. It’s actually a dangerous chemical that messes up the hormones and elevates the chances of serious diseases.

Natural Ways to Reverse Metabolic Disorders

Below, check helpful natural methods to balance blood sugar levels and keep healthy levels of fat in the body:

  • Fast regularly 

According to research, non-extreme fasts can help better overall health. In one study done by researchers from the University of Florida, the feast-or-famine diet may be an excellent choice. 

It requires alternating a day of eating around 175 percent of the normal caloric intake with one day of consuming 25 percent of the usual calories, i.e. feasting and then fasting. 

Fasting will help your body become better at burning fat.

  • Don’t forget to sunbathe 

Healthy exposure to sunlight helps us have stronger bones and enjoy a better mood. 

It also helps speed up the fat metabolism. People who don’t get the necessary vitamin D also struggle with more belly fat. 

Plus, there’s research that has associated obesity and vitamin D deficiency. Make sure you apply appropriate and quality, toxin-free sun protection before sun exposure. 

  • Try high-intensity interval training 

Short bursts of HIIT can better the metabolism of glucose and encourage the loss of belly fat in people with metabolic syndrome. When we exercise regularly, we encourage the body to use the existing energy. 

It also elevates the insulin receptors in the muscle cells and boosts the blood glucose flow to the energy cells. This encourages the proper release of neurotransmitters and hormones that will reduce the appetite.
