10 Effective Ways to Boost Blood Flow in Your Legs & Feet

Healthy blood flow is the key to good health. In fact, the body has around 60,000 miles of blood vessels. These blood vessels, the heart, and other muscles are known as the circulatory system.

This network transports the blood to every part of the body. However, if the blood flow isn’t optimal, there will be blockage of it and as a result, the cells in the body won’t be getting the necessary nutrients and oxygen.

When the limbs aren’t getting sufficient blood, the hands or feet may feel cold and numb. And, people with light skin may have a blueish tinge in their legs. 

When the blood flow is poor, it also causes the skin to become drier, the nails brittle, and contributes to hair loss, especially in the feet and legs. 

People with poor blood flow may also experience issues with erection and those with diabetes and poor blood flow may struggle with sores, wounds, and scrapes that heal slowly. 

Knowing the importance of healthy blood flow, it’s essential to take the right precautions and start improving it today.

Below, check out a list of the 10 most effective methods to enhance your blood flow!

10 Effective Methods to Improve Your Blood Flow in the Legs & Feet

  1. Bye bye smoking

Nicotine, the active ingredient in cigarettes, tobacco, and electronic cigarettes is harmful to the arterial walls. It causes the blood to thicken and this makes it more difficult to flow through the arteries and veins. 

Therefore, if you’re a smoker and struggling with poor blood flow, it may be time to say goodbye to smoking. If you can’t quit smoking on your own, consult your doctor to learn more about helpful methods that can help you.

  1. Keep your blood pressure under control

An uncontrolled and chronically high blood pressure contributes to arteriosclerosis, a condition associated with hardened arteries and reduced blood flow. 

Normal blood pressure is around 120 mmHg over 80 mmHg or less. The best blood pressure for you is also conditioned by your age and health so you need to consult your doctor to know what’s your ideal blood pressure. 

In order to have healthy blood flow, you need to keep your blood pressure under control and monitor it regularly. You can do this easily using a home blood pressure measuring device.

  1. Hydration is key

Water is vital for blood because blood is around 50 percent water. 

You will need to drink a sufficient amount of water on a daily basis to ensure optimal blood flow. The recommended amount is 8 glasses per day, more or less, depending on the physical activity and the climate where you live. 

  1. Introduce a stand-up desk

If you have a job that requires a lot of standing, your circulation in the feet and legs may suffer. This is because prolonged sitting makes the muscles of the legs weaker and it slows down the blood flow, increasing the risk of clotting. 

This is where a standing desk comes to the rescue: you may need a bit of time to get used to it, but being able to change between sitting and standing will bring benefits for the arteries in the veins in the legs and feet and boost the delivery of blood to the heart. 

  1. Don’t forget to relax

As a low-impact workout, yoga can be of great aid when you need to jumpstart your circulation. Movements during yoga help improve oxygen delivery to the cells. 

It also helps send blood to all of the organs. The upside-down yoga poses are also great for improving the blood flow from the legs and feet up to the heart and brain.

  1. Try legs-up-the-wall

The legs-up-the-wall is a great exercise for both yogis and non-yogis. Known as viparita karani in yoga, this pose is an excellent way to increase blood flow in the other way. 

To do it, lie down on the floor or on a bed near the bed. Lift the legs parallel to the floor and use the arms to balance out the upper part of the body. 

Stay in the pose for a couple of minutes and repeat it on a daily basis.

  1. Introduce aerobic exercises

When we perform aerobic activities like walking, swimming, running, etc., we are taking in more oxygen and this oxygen nourishes our muscles. 

This causes the blood to pump better and the heart to strengthen while the blood pressure drops. 

Make sure you invest at least half an hour for daily exercise, five to seven days per week. If needed, divide the training into smaller chunks. 

  1. Squats can do wonders

Squats are part of strength training and this amazing exercise doesn’t just make the blood go, but it also contributes to reduced sugar levels and alleviates backache. 

Begin by holding the feet shoulder-width apart and putting the arms on the sides. Begin to slowly bend the knees and hips, making sure the back remains straight. As you go back up, bend the arms to achieve balance.

  1. Reduce food from animals and introduce more plant foods

A balanced diet is the key to good health. And, it’s even better when our diet is rich in diverse veggies and fruits. 

Reduce the intake of saturated fats present in chicken and red meat, cheese, and other foods from animal sources. 

Also, lower the consumption of salt. This will help you balance your weight, maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol in balance, and cleanse the arteries.

  1. Compression socks

In some cases, some doctors advise people with poor blood flow in the legs and feet are advised to wear compression socks. 

If you’ve consulted your doctor for these socks and they’ve given you the green light, make sure you also consult them for the right model, the proper length, and the appropriate pressure of the socks for your condition. 
