The Top 6 Ways to Boost Oxygen in the Blood Naturally

Following a balanced diet and being physically active are only some of the ways that can help boost your oxygen levels.

If you often feel tired and tiredness is making your life harder, you should focus on giving your body the flow of oxygen that it needs.

You needn’t spend a small fortune on expensive procedures such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy or supplemental oxygen to increase the amount in the body.

Sometimes, it’s enough to follow simple lifestyle recommendations and adopt healthier habits to achieve this. 

Below, we’ve compiled a list of six easy ways to give your body the oxygen it needs and feel refreshed and energized!

Top 6 Ways to Boost Oxygen in Your Body Naturally 

  1. Work out regularly 

Regular exercise is pivotal to ensure your blood is getting the oxygen it needs. When we exercise, the cells in our body can burn oxygen quicker than they usually do. 

With carbon dioxide levels increasing in the body, the brain’s respiration rate elevates to get more oxygen. 

The respiratory system and heart health will be optimal when you’re doing aerobic exercise. It has been found that people with COPD and low oxygen saturation may better their blood oxygen levels via exercise. 

  1. Consume food rich in antioxidants

When you consume food abundant in antioxidants, the body is able of using oxygen more efficiently. 

Some vitamins like vitamins B12, E, and C are known for their antioxidant characteristics. 

Add more blueberries, cranberries, dark leafy greens, and red kidney beans to boost the presence of antioxidants in your diet. 

  1. Better your posture 

Posture has a lot to do with improved oxygen flow in the blood. 

When we stand, walk, or sit slouched, the breathing process isn’t optimal. This causes us to take in less amount of oxygen. 

By improving our posture, we allow for better oxygen intake and blood richer with oxygen.

  1. Reducing the exposure to CO2 and Carbon Monoxide 

Make sure you stay as distant as possible from regions and places with high levels of carbon monoxide and similar gases. 

Although it’s harder to find such areas in urban cities, at least try to reduce your exposure to places with high traffic congestion.

  1. Breathe in fresh air

When we spend more time surrounded by nature and fresh air, the blood receives much more oxygen. 

Make sure you have trees and shrubs in your garden because they will soak up the CO2 and release oxygen. 

When possible, jog near a river or take slow walks in parks with a lot of green surfaces. Always ventilate your home properly too. 

  1. Consume foods with essential fatty acids

Foods abundant in essential fatty acids have numerous health benefits. They’re also great if you wish to elevate the presence of oxygen in your blood. 

Foods that contain linolenic acid, alpha-linolenic acid are particularly useful for optimizing oxygen in the blood. 

Enrich your diet with flaxseed, soybeans, and walnuts.
