10 Unexplainable Times that Renowned Prophets Predicted the Future in the Last 100 Years (Including Tesla’s Internet)

Since ancient times, psychics and prophets have been claiming that they can see into the future. Many of them have shared their predictions with the world about future events.

However, a major part of these prophecies and predictions turned out to be nothing more than pure imagination. But, some predictions made throughout history have actually turned out to be true. 

Prophecies remain a taboo and seeing into the future is something most people today ignore and consider impossible.

But, how could some of these predictions actually happen?

Here are 10 unexplainable situations when prophets were right and predicted significant world events or changes in society between 1923 and 2023!

Prophets & Prophecies Explained

Prophets are people who claim to have the ability to see into the future. They usually spread their insights by preaching or sharing their prophecies with the public.

In ancient times, prophets were considered the mouthpieces of Gods whereas today, they’re considered paranormal seers. 

Throughout history, prophets have used different ways to predict the future. For example, Nostradamus relied on astrology charts for his prophecies coded in vague language. 

10 Unexplainable Times that Prophets Were Right

  1. Alice A. Bailey’s Spiritual Revival Prediction 

Occultist Alice A. Bailey wrote in the 30s and the 40s about her predictions for future world events. 

Bailey predicted that WWII would lead to a new era of peace, unity, and spiritual awakening. 

In the decades after WWII, globalization, the advancement of civil rights, and new spiritual movements really ensued in a similar fashion as Bailey predicted. 

  1. Joe Brandt’s Prediction of the California Earthquakes 

In the 30s, Brandt published several vivid vision series that foretold an upcoming catastrophic earthquake in California. 

He wrote in poetic language and gave accurate descriptions of geological effects like the emergence of new islands offshore, near LA. 

He claimed they would happen as a result of tectonic plate shifts happening under the floor of the sea. 

At the time, these writings were ignored; however, they turned out to be true and matched earthquake events that really happened in this region in the late 20th century. 

  1. Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Vision 

In the 1900s, Nikola Tesla envisioned that there would be a wireless global communications system in the near future. 

This system became a reality as we nowadays have something much similar to what he described, i.e., the internet.

Tesla described the future as one where people would be able to access information instantly from wherever they are with the help of portable technology. In the era when the radio was still emerging, his visions of sharing global information seemed like something impossible. Today, we cannot imagine our lives without the internet!

  1. Jeane Dixon’s Prediction of the Assassination of JFK

Jeane Dixon, an American astrologer, became famous after predicting the JFK assassination that happened in 1960 in Dallas. 

Her prediction which was published in Parade Magazine said that the leader of the free world would be struck sometime around that year during which the assassination actually happened. 

Despite this prediction, many claimed that Dixon’s predictions were mostly inaccurate and vague. She relied on astrology charts for prophecies and they were interpreted in different ways. 

  1. Pat Robertson’s Prediction of the End of the Cold War

Robertson, a televangelist and conservative political figure, often spoke about the prophecies that were revealed to him by God. 

In the 80s, he predicted that the Cold War would end without a nuclear war with the collapse of the Soviet empire. He also predicted an upcoming alliance between the Eastern European nations and the Soviet Union for the advancement of democracy. 

These prophecies turned out to be highly consistent with events that actually happened. 

  1. Frank Waters’s 9/11 Prophecy 

The Book of the Hopi is a book written by author Frank Waters and it was published in 1971. 

It includes prophecies from Hopi elders about the 20th century. Among those prophecies was a description of a Twin Tower building crumbling, fire, and terrorism. 

These visions ended up describing what really happened on 9/11 with high accuracy. 

  1. Edgar Cayce’s Prophecies for the Change of the Earth 

American mystic Cayce predicted in the 90s that there were going to be major changes in the geography of the Earth, including shifting poles and natural disasters in the periods between 1998 and 2023. 

At the time, these visions were considered far-fetched; but, recent findings by the scientific community have concluded that there’s a faster drift of the magnetic north pole and natural disasters associated with climate change.

  1. Edgar Cayce’s Prediction of the Land Losses in Japan 

American psychic Cayce published a reading in the 40s about a significant loss of land and destruction happening in Japan. 

He described that these catastrophic events would lead to the breakup of numerous islands and the creation of a big body of water between  Japan and China. 

These shocking predictions turned out to be true and matched the effects ensuing from the 2011 tsunami in Japan that caused major floods, landslides, and the formation of new islands.

  1. T.N. Pearce’s Calculation of the Fall of the Soviet Union 

Pearce, an Indian astrologer and sage wrote a book in 1982 titled The Bible, Numbers of the Beast and the Soviet Union

He connected bible verses with astrological calculations and predicted the exact year and month of the collapse of the Soviet Union, i.e. December 1991. 

The events in real life lined up with this prophecy which was written during the Cold War when no one could’ve imagined the decline of the USSR.

  1. Nostradamus’s Predictions 

No modern prophet discussion is complete without Nostradamus. This French astrologer from the 16th century published poetic quatrain selections in which he allegedly channeled psychic visions for the future. 

His supporters decoded his cryptic verses and claimed that they predicted people and events like Napoleon and Hitler and the Great Fire of London, the 9/11 attacks, and the JFK assassination.
