Ear Infection Season Is Upon Us: 5 Natural Ways to Treat & Prevent Them All Year Long

With the weather going colder, a lot of us begin to struggle with ear infections. Winter months are known to increase the risk of ear infections that aren’t just unpleasant, but also painful.

And, they can affect both adults and children. As we begin to spend more time indoors than outdoors, bacteria and viruses can spread easier and many of them end up in the ears. 

If they go into the middle ear, they can cause an infection and it’s usually associated with another disease like the flu or a cold. Ear infections are associated with serious earache, vertigo, tinnitus, and even hearing loss.

In most cases, ENTs prescribe antibiotics; however, we’re already well aware of the overuse of antibiotics which can contribute to antibiotic resistance.

What’s more, antibiotics have side effects like diarrhea and nausea. And, they don’t necessarily resolve the root cause of the infections but rather kill the bacteria. Sometimes, they also destroy the good bacteria as well, which is definitely not a good thing.

Nature & Prevention to the Rescue for Ear Infections

Traditional prescribed therapy isn’t the only option you have when it comes to treating ear infections. In fact, there are some evidence-based natural cures and preventive practices that will help lower your risk of infections and alleviate them if you struggle with them.

The infection happens in the middle ear. This area is located between the inner ear and the eardrum. When germs go inside this area, they contribute to inflammation and cause fluid to gather behind the eardrum.

The infection in the ear may also happen when the Eustachian tubes, during a cold or the flu, are trapping fluid and germs in the middle ear area. These tubes connect the middle ear with the throat and nose allowing optimal drainage and regulating the pressure.

When these tubes are clogged, bacteria and viruses begin to thrive. In kids, common infections like strep or other diseases of the lungs, sinuses, or nose may also spread to the middle ear. 

What’s more, food allergies and exposure to irritants like chemicals and smoke may additionally increase the risk of ear infections.

5 Powerful Natural Remedies to Relieve Ear Infections at Home 

These home remedies can be a great addition to the therapy prescribed by your ENT for the ear infection. Always consult your physician before you start using any type of remedy, whether it’s a traditional cure or a folk medicine!

Below, check out five powerful home remedies that can bring much-needed relief from an ear infection:

  • Warm compress 

A simple and effective method to alleviate an ear infection is to apply warm compresses to the ear area. 

Soak one clean cloth in warm water and squeeze out the surplus water. Lay out the cloth gently over the ear and lie down for 10 to 15 minutes. 

The moisture and heat will pull out the fluid and infection and soothe the swollen lymph nodes. You can repeat this two to three times per day. 

  • Garlic supplements 

Garlic contains allicin which is a powerful active ingredient with anti-infection properties. 

Consuming garlic supplements helps with the treatment of ear infections. It helps lower the ear secretions, but also secretions from the lungs. 

Opt for the enteric-coated garlic supplements for optimal benefits. 

  • Warm oil massage

You can massage the area near the ear, the jawline, and the neck using warm essential oil to alleviate the pain and discomfort. 

You can opt for sesame, mustard, or olive oil because they possess anti-inflammatory characteristics. Make sure you heat up the oil slightly before you use it for the massage. 

  • Hydration 

Hydrating the body is pivotal when the body is fighting against infections, including ones in the ear. 

Consume water, broth, herbal tea, and homemade fresh juices. Liquids like this help thin out the mucus and promote its drainage, avert dehydration, and speed up the healing process. 

  • Herbal eardrops 

Eardrops with herbs contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics that can aid in the fight against infection and relieve swelling and pain. 

Mullein is a herb known to be a natural bactericide and a pain reliever. Garlic oil contains antibiotic and antimicrobial characteristics whereas St.John’s wort and olive oil have soothing power. 

Combine several drops of the oil, add these herbs, and apply this mixture to the outer ear and several drops inside the ear, two to three times per day.
