This Herb Named After a Cat from the Amazon Acts Like a Probiotic in the Gut (Lowers Inflammation & Arthritis Symptoms)

The power of nature unfolds in the heart of the Amazon jungle.

The canopy stretches wide and it reminds us of an enchanting realm where everything is connected and the wonders are many.

From the depths of the jungle comes a powerful herb called cat’s claw or una de gato. The Amazon provides ancient healing power and modern medicine has a lot to learn from this powerful ecosystem.

Praised for its multiple healing advantages, cat’s claw has been researched by both scientists and used by herbal enthusiasts and holistic medicine practitioners globally. 

Cat’s claw has been used for centuries, especially by indigenous tribes. It’s said to possess a long list of health benefits, including benefits for the gut. 

It’s also known to lower inflammation, reduce arthritic discomfort and pain, boost the heart’s health, and fight against candida infections. 

Why Should You Try Cat’s Claw If You Want a Strong Gut 

A cat’s claw plant has the ability to target bad bacteria while nourishing and encouraging the growth of good gut bacteria. A balanced gut is essential for the optimal health of the gut and the overall health. 

According to studies, this plant doesn’t just support a balanced gut microbiome but also betters digestion, improves the absorption of nutrients, and strengthens the body’s fight against pathogens.

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Want to Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the culprit for a long list of health issues, including joint pain, autoimmune diseases, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, etc. Cat’s claw contains anti-inflammatory characteristics and provides relief for people suffering from inflammation-related diseases. 

According to research, its bioactive compounds can impede the production of molecules that cause inflammation and improve immune responses. By reducing excessive inflammation, this plant may help better the quality of life and promote one’s well-being.

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Have Arthritis 

One of the most common symptoms of arthritis is joint pain and joint inflammation. 

This plant has the power to lower these symptoms because it possesses anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. 

It may be of aid in lowering the swelling in the joints, reducing pain, and improving mobility. By lowering the inflammation and providing support for the joints, a cat’s claw is a promising natural method to manage arthritis. 

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Have Heart Problems

A healthy cardiovascular system is pivotal for optimal health. Cat’s claw may help better your cardiovascular health with its antioxidant properties. 

It will prevent oxidative damage and lower the chances of cardiovascular illnesses. Moreover, a cat’s claw was found to be beneficial for blood pressure and lipid profiles. These two factors contribute to a healthy cardiovascular system. 

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Have Fungal Infections

Candida or fungus infections, also known as yeast, are troubling people worldwide. Cat’s claw has been researched for its antifungal benefits and it was found effective in reducing the spread of the candida fungus. 

It impedes growth and provides a natural alternative to conventional methods of treatment. This plant contributes to a microbial balance and a stronger immune system that fights against fungal overgrowth. 

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Have Cancer 

A study done in 2018 researched the anticancer properties of cat’s claw and tested several cancer cell lines. The results were promising since this plant was found to possess powerful anti-cancer characteristics. 

It didn’t only impede the growth of cancerous cells, but it also led to apoptosis or programmed cell death. 

Why You Should Try Cat’s Claw If You Want Stronger Bones

Strong and healthy bones are pivotal for a vibrant and active life, especially as we age. In 2019, a team of researchers tested the health benefits of cat’s claw in osteoporosis models. 

The results were amazing because the plant demonstrated protective effects for the bones’ density and structure. 
