Avoid These 5 Drinks: They Deplete Magnesium & Calcium from Your Body

Without a doubt, magnesium and calcium are two of the essential minerals for the health of the human body.

Magnesium participates in more than 300 enzymatic reactions and it’s crucial for the control of blood sugar levels, muscle and nerve function, the regulation of blood pressure, strong immunity, and more. 

Moreover, calcium is important for healthy bones, a healthy cardiovascular system, proper nerve transmission, and muscle contraction. 

Unfortunately, by consuming specific drinks, we’re contributing to a reduction of the amount of these two minerals in the body, especially if we consume them excessively. 

As they’re diuretics, these drinks elevate the output of urine and promote the removal of calcium and magnesium from the body. 

If you’re trying to increase the intake of calcium and magnesium via your diet, make sure you avoid consuming these five drinks. Instead, choose the healthier options which we’ll also share with you!

5 Drinks That Promote Calcium & Magnesium Depletion in the Body 

  1. Energy drinks 

These popular drinks are high in caffeine and also have phosphoric acid. 

Both of these substances increase the risk of magnesium and calcium depletion. Caffeine is also a diuretic and it increases urination and may increase the loss of minerals. 

Phosphoric acid attaches to magnesium and calcium and averts their proper absorption. 

  1. Soda drinks 

Sodas are full of sugar! 

What’s more, a lot of carbonated soft drinks also contain phosphoric acid which may mess up the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the digestive tract. 

Consuming these drinks contributes to the surplus loss of calcium via the urine. The combination of sugar and caffeine in sodas promotes frequent urination and increases the removal of calcium and magnesium.

  1. Alcohol 

Frequent consumption of alcohol causes dehydration and may elevate the amount of calcium and magnesium that are expelled via the urine. 

Alcohol is also bad for the stomach lining and will impede the body’s ability to absorb magnesium and calcium optimally. 

  1. Coffee 

Although a beloved beverage for many people around the globe, it does contribute to a loss of essential minerals, especially if consumed excessively. 

The abundance of caffeine in coffee stimulates the release of hormones that contain calcium like epinephrine and cortisol. 

As time goes by, caffeine causes more calcium to be removed through the urine than usual. If you can’t imagine a day without coffee, try to reduce it to no more than three cups per day.

  1. Fruit juices 

Fruit juices may be rich in vitamins, but the abundance of fructose and citric acid prevents the proper absorption of calcium in the body. 

Drinking these juices in excess may also disrupt the magnesium balance. Store-bought fruit juice may have nutrients, but it lacks the fiber of whole fruits and the mineral-protective properties. 

Healthier Drink Choices 

When possible, make healthier drink choices. Your go-to drink should definitely be water. Also, it’s beneficial to include herbal teas like hibiscus and chamomile. They’re low in calories and mineral-friendly options. 

If you’re looking to flavor things up, add some freshly squeezed citrus fruit to a cup of sparkling water.

Avoid drinking fruit juices more than six- to eight-ounce glasses per day. 

Preserve your calcium and magnesium levels by paying more attention to the drinks you’re consuming. Proper hydration using the right beverages will help you avert the depletion of calcium and minerals. 
