Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease and Strokes by 25% by Adding This Essential Fatty Oil to Your Diet

Heart disease and strokes remain on the list of leading causes of death globally. Unfortunately, these health problems end millions of lives on a yearly basis. 

One of the major contributing factors to these diseases is atherosclerosis. This buildup of arterial plaque is associated with inflammation, high cholesterol, and calcification. 

The arterial buildup causes poor blood flow and decreases the optimal flow of oxygen to the heart and brain. The good news is that we can lower our risk of arterial buildup by up to 25 percent by adding certain foods to our diet. 

Making smart and healthy dietary choices is one of the best ways to avert and even reverse heart disease. 

Why Should Prescribed Meds Like Statins Be Used as the Last Resort?

Statins are meds prescribed for the reduction of the high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. But, they have side effects.

Some of the most common side effects associated with statin therapy are the following ones:

  • Pain and weakness in the muscles 

Statins may increase the risk of painful muscles or myopathy, a disease of the muscles. This can progress to a very rare but severe condition called rhabdomyolysis which leads to the breakdown of the muscles. 

  • Higher risk of diabetes 

Statins may elevate the chances of type 2 diabetes. So, people with risk factors for diabetes should regularly monitor their blood sugar levels if they’re taking statins. 

  • Digestive problems 

Constipation, nausea, diarrhea, stomach ache, etc. have been reported as side effects of statins. The digestive side effects may be reduced if the statins are taken at night. 

  • Liver damage 

Statins may increase the liver enzymes in some individuals so checking the liver function from time to time is recommended for people who take statins. 

  • Interactions with other meds 

Statins may interact with some meds. If you take several prescribed meds, don’t forget to discuss any risks of interactions with your physician. 

5 Powerful Foods that Help Lower Arterial Plaque & Decrease the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease + A Potent Oil 

These five foods were found to be beneficial in lowering arterial plaque, bettering the blood flow, reducing blood pressure, and decreasing inflammation.

All these factors contribute to a healthier and stronger heart and circulatory system. 

  1. Walnuts 

Walnuts are rich in magnesium, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids that have the power to better the function of the blood vessels. 

Opt for a handful of walnuts daily or consume them combined with other foods like yogurt and salads.

  1. Fatty fish 

Fish like mackerel and salmon are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids that lower inflammation and triglycerides. 

This will contribute to a healthy cholesterol ratio and reduce the risk of plaque buildup. Try to get at least two 3-ounce fatty fish servings every week.

  1. Avocados 

Avocados are abundant in unsaturated fats that elevate the levels of good cholesterol and reduce triglycerides. 

Consume half an avocado per day by using it as a spread for your morning toast or combine it in smoothies.

  1. Beans 

Beans provide soluble fiber that binds to cholesterol and expels it from the body before it begins to clog the arteries. 

Consume half a cup of beans per day by combining it in soups, dips, and stews. 

  1. Green tea 

This tea is rich in antioxidants known as catechins. 

They help lower the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, a major trigger of the buildup of plaque. 

Opt for two to three cups of tea per day. 

  1. Omega-3 krill oil 

According to research, the omega-3 fatty acids from the Antarctic krill are particularly beneficial for the health of the heart. 

Several studies have found that supplements with krill oil may be of great aid for improving cardiovascular health by lowering inflammation, reducing blood pressure, decreasing arterial plaque, improving the balance between HDL and LDL, and decreasing blood sugar levels. 

In a double-blind trial published in Alternative Medicine Review, taking only one to three grams of krill oil on a daily basis caused a 10-25 percent improvement in the cholesterol profiles and reduced the levels of blood sugar and blood pressure. 

In another study, the consumption of two grams of krill oil every day for a period of 12 weeks reduced the bad LDL cholesterol by 10 percent and the blood sugar levels by 12 percent. 

Krill oil is praised for its omega-3 fatty acids because they’re carried within the phospholipids instead of the triglycerides. 

This enables better absorption, particularly in the brain and heart tissues. This oil is also abundant in antioxidant properties.
