9 Empowering Ways to Tackle Autoimmune Diseases Head-On

There are plenty of autoimmune diseases out there, but all of them have one thing in common: each has an unknown cause and no cure. To make the problem even more complex, many people go undiagnosed for years, resulting in more symptoms left untreated.

Some of the most common autoimmune disorders include arthritis, lupus, MS, psoriasis, Celiac disease, and thyroid disorders. People who suffer from an autoimmune disorder struggle with pain, swelling, inflammation, and discomfort.

This is why being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is said to be a lifelong journey of adaption. Managing an autoimmune disease isn’t easy at all, but with the right tips from professionals, you may be able to lower the chronic pain and discomfort you’re currently living with.

What Happens During an Autoimmune Disease?

When a person has an autoimmune condition, the immune system, which is the body’s primary protector, becomes confused.

This guard fails to recognize its residents. As a result of the misidentification, the immunity starts fighting its cells and systems which results in pain, inflammation, swelling, etc.

A good diagnosis and effective therapy are crucial for a better quality of life for people with autoimmune disorders. It may also require making certain lifestyle improvements.

9 Helpful Autoimmune Disorder Strategies 

  • Anti-inflammatory diet 

If you have an autoimmune disorder, making appropriate changes in your diet can be of great aid in the management of the symptoms and flare-ups. 

Make sure it’s rich in veggies, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. These foods help lower inflammation and benefit your overall health. 

It’s also important to eat foods rich in omega 3s like salmon, mackerel, sardines, walnuts, and flaxseeds. 

You can also include anti-inflammatory spices like ginger, garlic, and turmeric. On the other hand, avoid inflammatory foods like refined carbohydrates, unhealthy processed and fried foods, and processed sugars.

  • Treat underlying infections 

Consult your physician and other specialists to test and address ongoing infections in the body, for example, yeast, viral or bacterial infections, etc. Depending on the infection you’re dealing with, it’s important to address it with the right therapy, but also through appropriate dietary improvements and supplements.

  • Undergo tests for food allergies 

To resolve celiac and gluten sensitivities, consult your physician about the appropriate blood tests and elimination diets to help diagnose any food allergies. You can also ask for IgC food testing. 

This type of test reveals less obvious sensitivities to food that may be increasing the inflammation in your body.

  • Undergo tests for heavy metal toxicity 

Some heavy metals like lead and mercury can be discovered via special blood, urine, or hair tests. 

If you test positive for some of them, you may need to detox your body via appropriate diet changes, supplements, and chelation therapy. 

  • Restore the gut-immunity balance 

A large part of our immunity is located in the gut. This is why we need to optimize our gut health and ensure it has the right amount of good gut bacteria. 

You can encourage these bacteria via supplements as well as foods like garlic, onions, bananas, yogurt, kimchi, kefir, etc. that are rich in probiotics and prebiotics.

  • Add the right supplements 

Although it depends on the individual, it may be beneficial to introduce supplements like vitamin D, probiotics, omega 3s, and anti-inflammatories like turmeric in your diet. 

Before you introduce any type of supplement, make sure you’ve checked with your doctor first.

  • Exercise regularly 

Follow a regular and moderate exercise routine. For example, brisk walking, yoga, or swimming. 

And, don’t worry about the intensity because consistency is what matters. If you’re struggling with joint or mobility problems, opt for low-impact workouts like swimming or cycling. 

  • Try deep relaxation

Methods like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing are helpful mind and body techniques that promote stress relaxation. 

This is essential if we take into account that stress is a well-known trigger of autoimmune responses. By regularly practicing yoga or meditating, you’re contributing to better overall health. 

  • Sleep is essential

Making sleep a priority is vital for optimal health. Try to get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. 

And, establish a sleep-wake routine by going to bed at the same time at night and waking up at the same time in the morning. 

Make sure your bedroom is a cozy, calm, and relaxing place with low lights, low noise, and a balanced temperature.
