If You Notice These Eggs in Your Backyard, You Need to Burn Them Immediately: How to Recognize & Manage Tick Eggs

Thinking of ticks is often enough to make people’s stomachs turn. Unfortunately, ticks, the tiny and blood-sucking pests, are common in backyards and gardens.

But, if you’ve noticed ticks on your property, don’t fret. We’re here to help you get rid of them once and for all.

Removing them is essential if we take into account that they transmit a long list of diseases if they hatch into larvae, including Rock Mountain Spotted fever, tularemia, Lyme disease, etc. 

We’re going to share effective methods to remove fleas and ticks in your backyard, but first, we’ll share some important information about the identification of tick eggs.

Let’s go!

How to Recognize Tick Eggs in Your Home?

Tick eggs are small, usually around 0.5 mm in diameter, around the size of a poppy seed. They can have an oval or pear shape and have a translucent or whitish appearance, though this differs from species to species.

They are laid in clusters and you will spot them attached to vegetation, leaf litter, or other surfaces that are near the ground. As they grow, they may become more opaque and take on a color that is more similar to the adult tick. 

The eggs tend to be glossy and smooth in texture and the colors range from light yellow to light brown.

How to Remove & Dispose of Tick Eggs in a Safe Way 

If you have tick eggs in your backyard, make sure you’ve consulted a professional pest control expert who will identify and recommend the best ways to keep these pests under control and remove them safely. 

If you have a tick attached to your skin or on your pet’s skin, rush yourself to the doctor right away and avoid taking out the tick on your own. Take the pet to the veterinarian if you have never removed a tick from them before.

Best Tips to Prevent Ticks & Tick Eggs in Your Backyard

  1. Plant tick-repelling plants 

Fill your garden with herbs that repel ticks like rosemary, mint, and chrysanthemums. 

  1. Get rid of plants that attract deer

Deter deer ticks which are responsible for the spread of Lyme by removing plants from your garden that attract them like hostas, azaleas, and tulips. 

  1. Include rough textures 

Fill up your garden beds with lava rocks or pebble mulch to make the surfaces less convenient for the ticks.

  1. Use insecticides with caution 

If you need to use insecticides, make sure you are applying them carefully and according to instructions. And, when possible, use natural alternatives like cedar oil.

  1. Create lawn-free areas

Use hardscaping to decrease the habitats of ticks. 

  1. Include tick tubes 

These no-spray tools may help destroy ticks and avert illnesses. 

  1. Use natural repellents 

Whenever possible, opt for chemical-free ways to repel ticks. Essential oils like neem, citronella, cedarwood, and diatomaceous earth can do a great job.

  1. Maintain your lawn

Regularly mow your lawn and cut down heavy brushes and ground cover to minimize the areas where ticks could hide. 

  1. Manage waste

Ticks lay their eggs in moist and dark areas. This is why you need to regularly manage woodpiles and other debris in your backyard to prevent this.

  1. Discourage hosts 

Avoid bird feeders that can attract rodents which are common tick hosts.
