Mix These Two Ingredients & Destroy Any Cysts & Fibroids

The abnormal growths on the ovaries and uterine come in various forms. Though these growths may look alike and produce similar symptoms, they’re not the same. 

The differences between the two are essential for patients to understand and how they affect their overall and reproductive health. 

Fibroids develop on the uterus whereas cysts develop on the ovaries. And, cysts are sacs filled with fluid that form on the outside of the ovary. Fibroids are non-cancerous masses that may develop inside or outside the uterine wall. 

Many women will develop ovarian cysts and uterine fibroids at a certain point in their lives. A lot of them may not be aware that there’s a cyst or a fibroid in their abdomen unless they have symptoms or undergo imaging to check their ovaries and uterus. 

Usually, these growths are minor health problems that don’t have a significant negative effect on reproductive health; however, sometimes, they can cause more serious complications that may require medical interventions. 

Are Fibroids & Cysts Tumors?

The main difference between a fibroid and a cyst is that a fibroid is classified as a benign tumorous growth. The fluid-filled composition of cysts differs from cancerous or non-cancerous tumors which may form on the ovaries.

In women who’ve undergone menopause, an ovarian cystic mass may sometimes become cancerous. Another type of cyst on the ovaries, also known as a dermoid cyst, may also become cancerous in rare situations. 

Regular pelvic exams may help monitor these growths and identify fibroids or cysts that may potentially become cancerous.

Treatment Options for Cysts & Fibroids 

A lot of ovarian cysts do go away on their own; so, most reproductive health specialists usually take a wait-and-see approach, particularly if the patient has no symptoms or complications. 

The monitoring will probably continue to ensure there are no risks of health complications.

If there’s a need for treatment, a person may be given meds that block the production of other cysts that may cause other symptoms or worsen them. 

Cysts are removable only via a surgical procedure that may require the removal of the whole ovary. This is why it’s often used as a last resort.  The traditional treatment for uterine fibroids is surgery, although some meds may be given to reduce the size.

Severe fibroids sometimes require a partial or a full hysterectomy. 

A recent innovative treatment named the Acessa procedure has been developed to ensure a suitable treatment for patients without the need for hysterectomy by focusing the treatment on the fibroids and ensuring the uterus’s health and functioning are preserved. 

Natural DIY Remedy That Helps Destroy Fibroids and Cysts 

Many people swear by natural remedies in their ability to shrink fibroids and cysts. Some even claim they can help destroy them entirely. 

One such remedy is made with houseleek, a plant that has been grown since Roman times. It’s packed with nutrients and it’s highly recommendable for the treatment of numerous health issues, particularly fibroids and cysts. 

If you want to try it, here’s the recipe:

300 grams of houseleek leaves, cleaned and rinsed 

500 grams of organic honey 

How to make it:

Chop the rinsed and cleaned houseleek leaves and then mix them with the honey. Transfer the content into a jar and close it well. 

Leave the jar in a cool and dark place for two to three days so that the leaves are fully soaked in the honey.

How to use it:

Take the remedy first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Do not drink or eat anything in the next two hours.
