7 Surprising Reasons Why Butter Is Good for You

When we think about a healthy diet, one thing that almost every person seems to believe is true is that butter is bad. 

Whether it’s because of their waistline or arteries, Americans have given a bad reputation that has stood strong for the last 50 years.

However, today dairy products like butter are no longer considered unhealthy as much as they were. People are realizing their potential and the fact that they contain many nutrients, especially if the product is made using milk from grass-fed cows. 

According to research, cows that eat grass instead of grains or corn won’t just produce leaner and more nutrient-abundant meat; their milk will also be packed with minerals.

Although butter has its positive sides, it’s not ideal. It’s still rich in saturated fat so it’s best to consume it in moderation, especially if you have high cholesterol or if you’re at a higher risk of heart disease. 

Below, check out seven health benefits of butter that will help you feel less guilty the next time you enjoy a golden pat or two!

The Best Seven Health Benefits of Butter

  1. Rich in nutrients

When you spread butter on your breakfast toast, you’re strengthening your immunity, lowering the risk of cancer growth, and boosting the production of red blood cells thanks to the abundance of vitamins A and D in butter. 

Per a tablespoon of butter, you’re getting seven percent of the RDA of vitamin A and 2 percent of the RDA of vitamin D. As both vitamins are fat-soluble, butter is a great way to optimize their absorption in the body.

  1. Strengthens the bones

Butter contains vitamins K and D and may strengthen your bones and muscles. Vitamin K doesn’t just help keep the bones dense but has also been associated with a 30 percent reduced risk of hip fractures in women who consume at least 110 mcg daily, according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 

  1. Lowers the signs of diabetes

Sodium butyrate in cheese and butter has been associated with a better response to insulin in diabetic patients and higher energy in laboratory mice, according to a study from the American Diabetes Association. 

It also reduces constipation and offers protective benefits against colon cancer.

  1. It has anti-cancer properties

The conjugated linoleic acid found in dairy products such as butter has been linked to colorectal tumor reduction and breast tumors. 

This was discovered in an experimental pathology study by the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. 

  1. A healthier alternative to margarine

Some margarines are more unhealthy than butter as they contain trans fats. Research has also discovered that the plant fats inside margarine are likelier to contribute to the risk of death among patients with cardiovascular disease than butter’s saturated fat.

  1. It may reduce the risk of tooth decay

Some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamins A, D, and K, present in butter from grass-fed cows in higher amounts than ones in olive oil or margarine, may be of aid in the prevention of cavities and even reverse tooth decay, according to research. 

  1. It doesn’t cause obesity 

The general recommendations of health authorities are to opt for low-fat dairy in our diets rather than full-fat. This is recommended to get calcium without the extra calories and unhealthy fats. 

However, despite the higher calories, high-fat dairy product consumption hasn’t been linked directly with obesity. 

In a paper from 2021, which examined the link between high-fat dairy consumption and heart disease, metabolic disorders, and obesity, it was found that butter doesn’t directly increase the risk of these conditions. 

It was found to lower the risk of obesity.
