Nowadays, a lot of us often consume instant meals and all kinds of fast foods because of the rather busy lifestyles we lead and the lack of time or will to cook. However, a diet based on such foods can be detrimental for the health and cause a variety of […]
Healthy Tips
The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever: Eliminates Infections and Kills Parasites
Believe it or not, the natural antibiotic we decided to present today is considered to be one of the most potent ones because of its strong capacity to kill infections and parasites. It possesses antifungal and antiviral characteristics and it can also enhance the blood and lymph flow in the […]
The Most Effective Tea That Can Help Alleviate Anxiety, Insomnia And Depression (How To Use It)
Nowadays, chamomile tea is gaining more and more popularity because of its unique health benefits. Namely, it has the power to bring relief from stress and to balance the nervous system and it is highly recommendable for both adults and children. Its soothing and relaxing characteristics make it an excellent […]
This Homemade Toothpaste Whitens Teeth, Helps With Cavities And Gum Disease
Unfortunately, a large part of the store-bought toothpastes contain a lot of harmful ingredients which damage the health and come at a high price. This being said, it is good to know that there are natural toothpastes that you can make at the comfort of your own home with affordable […]
The Essential Oil That Treats Varicose Veins, Sore Muscles & Acne
Chamomile tea has long been used as a natural remedy against spasms, poor digestion, and sore muscles. Nowadays, chamomile is added to numerous beauty and skin care products and it can be used topically and orally. This article will be focused on presenting the astonishing health advantages of chamomile essential […]
The Essential Oil that Promotes Hair Growth, Relieves Constipation & Fights Off Fungal Infections
Have you heard of the spikenard plant? It is a plant native to India, China, and the Himalayas and it has pink, bell-shaped flowers and hair spikes shooting out from the roots. It has a sweet, heavy, and spicy odor and a variety of health advantages. Moreover, the spikenard essential […]
The Bad Results of too much Sitting
Nowadays, almost everyone spends a large part of their day in front of a computer, whether at home or at work. However, the constant staring at screens can have a negative effect on the overall health, studies suggest. The prolonged sitting can increase the chances for spine damage; it can […]
The 3-ingredient Elixir That Can Clear Mucus From The Lungs And Strengthens The Immune System
Without doubt, we all dislike when we catch the flu or a common cold and we try out all kinds of treatments in order to speed up the healing and put an end to runny nose, coughing, stuffy nose, constant sneezing, as well as buildup of phlegm. With this in […]
Take a Spoon of This before Bed to Flush Intestinal and Liver Toxins while Sleeping
Garlic has long been used for culinary purposes because of its power to better the flavor of different foods, but also because it can better our overall health and be of great for a variety of health issues. It is abundant in vitamins A, C, and B, as well as […]
Study: Thyme Extract Found to Be more Effective than Ibuprofen
According to newest research, thyme essential oil has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties and most of its power stems from its active compound known as thymol. Namely, a study done in Iran with 84 women from the age of 18 to 24 who suffered from primary dysmenorrhea, a menstrual syndrome […]