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12 Great Uses of Castor Oil You Did not Know before

Did you know that castor oil is one of the most advantageous natural oils because it has strong healing abilities? It is derived from the Ricinus communis plant and it is abundant in proteins, minerals, and numerous other vital nutrients. Always opt for the extra virgin option and make sure […]

6 Foods You Had No Idea Were Destroying Your Hormones and Your Skin

6 Foods That Are Destroying Your Hormones And Skin

During teenage years, it is not uncommon for both girls and boys to struggle with acne. However, this does not happen in puberty only and in some people, it may a problem in their adult years, often times, as a consequence of hormonal imbalances or polycystic ovaries (in women). In […]

Yes, You can Grow New Brain Cells. Here Is How

Yes, You can Grow New Brain Cells. Here Is How

Until recently, as noted on Huffington Post, experts believed that it was not possible for adults to grow new neurons. However, according to a TED Talk video with neuroscientist Sandrine Thuret, humans are capable of generating new brain cells through a process known as neurogenesis. What’s more, doing this has […]

Fluoride Detox: Here Is How To Flush It Out If Your System

Fluoride Detox: Here Is How To Flush It Out If Your System

For years, experts have been warning the public of the dangers of overexposure to sodium fluoride. Nowadays, it seems that we cannot escape from this substance and it is literally being added to everything, from our drinking water to toothpastes. What’s more, it is being added in huge amounts and […]

Baking Soda And Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems

The rising popularity of natural remedies and natural medicine should come as no surprise, as there is a natural treatment for basically every illness and condition out there. Studies show that natural remedies can be more effective than treatments prescribed and endorsed by conventional medicine. One such remedy is a […]