Tag: Prozac

Acupuncture may Replace Antidepressants, Researchers Claim

Acupuncture may Replace Antidepressants, Researchers Claim

Unfortunately, around 10 percent of US citizens are depressed, according to the NIH, or more than 20 million individuals. What’s more, in the last 15 years, there has been a major increase in the use of antidepressants or to be more precise, 65 percent. Knowing the side effects linked with […]

2 Handfuls of Cashew: The Potential Equivalent of Prozac?

2 Handfuls of Cashew: The Potential Equivalent of Prozac?

Unfortunately, as seen on David Wolfe, 6.7 percent of Americans or 14.8 million people older than 18 will suffer from a depressive disorder this year. In order to treat this mental health problem, most of these people will be prescribed over-the-counter meds, such as Prozac, by their doctors. However, these […]