Nowadays, there is rarely a person without a smartphone, right? We all enjoy browsing the internet, scrolling our Instagrams, posting on Facebook, or playing our favorite game before bed. However, with the ongoing research on the effect smartphones have on our overall health and well-being, it appears that using our phones at night is not good at all.
How Bad Is Phone Radiation?
Did you know that the blue light which is released by smartphones has been linked to several, serious health issues? Even though it is a part of the full light spectrum and we are exposed to it on the daily because of the sunrays, nighttime exposure due to using smartphones, tablets, and other LED screens has a negative effect on the vision and it is known to reduce the production of melatonin, an important hormone, and in turn in causes insomnia.
Health Problems Linked to Nighttime Usage of Smartphones
v Eye damage
Prolonged nighttime staring at the blue light can damage the retina and lead to macular degeneration, loss of central vision, and cataracts.
v Insufficient sleep
Due to the disrupted production of melatonin, a hormone pivotal for the regulation of the body’s sleeping cycle; you may end up being unable to fall asleep easily. Lack of sleep has been associated with depression, heart issues, gain of weight, memory problems, premature aging, and reduced responsiveness.
v Higher chance of cancer
The lack of sleep caused by the blue light emitted from smartphones is known to elevate the chance for cancer, particularly prostate and breast cancer.