6 Stretches You Should Definitely Do before Getting out of Bed to Feel Great all Day

Instead of thinking about your daily activities, the first thing that you should focus on in the morning after waking up, is your body and mind and thus, preserve your optimal health. According to Randi Ragan, a yoga teacher and a writer, how you spend this time is of pivotal importance and one way to enhance your quality of life is by doing these stretches in the morning. They will tone your body and keep your mind sharp. Great, right?

Morning Routine: Powerful Stretches

Full body stretch- breathe in and put the arms over your head and clasp the fingers together. Turn the palms towards the wall and away from you. Maintain the knees straightened and stretch out the toes. Maintain this pose for 5 seconds and then breathe out and relax. Repeat this stretch 3 times.

Figure four stretch- bend the right leg and cross the left foot over the right knee. Breathe deeply for 5 seconds and then switch the legs. This stretch will lubricate the glutes and joints.

Bed-to-floor stretch- put the feet on the floor and twist the knees. Reach towards the floor with the hands and hang them over the knees. Next, stretch the head towards the floor. Breathe deeply, count to five, and then relax and go to primary position. This stretch will naturally wake up your body and supply the brain with oxygen.

Knees to chest stretch- while lying, bend the knees (hug them) and pull them towards the chest. This is the ideal stretch for the lower back and it will stimulate both the body and mind. Remain in this pose for 10 seconds.

Supine twist- stretch the arms on the torso’s right side and the legs in the other direction. Make sure the shoulders are on the bed. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and then switch sides. This stretch will improve your circulation and engage the spinal muscles.

Seated forward bend- while sitting on the bed, stretch out the legs and inhale and exhale and then reach towards the toes with the fingers. Repeat this stretch 10 times. This is the perfect way to energize your body for the following day, especially if you have a job that requires spending a lot of time in a sitting position. It boosts the spine, pelvis, and hamstrings too.