Boil a Banana, Drink the Liquid And See What Happens To Your Sleep

Unfortunately, nowadays, a lot of people have problems with poor quality of sleep and tend to spend a lot of their nights tossing and turning and counting sheep. The reasons for insomnia may be of different nature, from chronic stress or some health problem to too warm or cold temperatures and nighttime shifts.

Unfortunately, when this goes on for a prolonged period of time, our health deteriorates and we become cranky and low on energy and unable to function properly the following day, which may consequently lower our quality of life. To resolve this issue, most of us reach for over-the-counter sleeping pills, however, the problem with these meds is that they come with serious side effects and can additionally worsen one’s health and well-being.

The Most Dangerous Side Effects of Sleeping Pills

  • Tingling or burning sensation in the hands, feet, legs, and arms
  • Constipation
  • Changes in appetite
  • Poor balance
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Headache
  • Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Poor memory and attention
  • Pain in the stomach and tenderness
  • Shaking in some body parts
  • Overall weakness

Taking into consideration the negative effects that these medications can have on our health, it is of great aid to learn that there are beneficial and safe natural remedies that can help you successfully better your quality of sleep and fight off insomnia once and for all. With this in mind, we decided to present one of the most helpful cures for sleeplessness, i.e. banana tea! You will love it, it is easily prepared and the ingredients for it are easily affordable…

Banana Tea Recipe

You will need:

One medium-sized banana, unpeeled

A cup of water

A dash of cinnamon

A pot

Preparation: Pour the water into the pot and bring it to boil. In the meantime, chop off the sides of the banana and then cut it in half vertically. Once the water has boiled, add the two slices of banana and boil them for 15 minutes. Then, turn off the heat and strain the content into a cup. Add the cinnamon and stir it well. Consume while warm.

Use: Drink a cup of the banana tea an hour or so prior to bed.

Make sure you check out the video below to see the recipe in detail: