Why Japanese Women Never Get Fat And Live The Longest! Their Secret Is Simply Amazing!

For the last 25 years, Japanese women have been known to maintain the longest lifespan in the whole world, i.e. their average age is 84. What’s more, they also look much younger than other women from other parts of the world and it appears as if they are less prone to the negative effects of aging. Luckily for you, their secret to longevity has been revealed and we can finally learn how to stay young-looking and beautiful even at an older age.

Japanese Women Do not Get Old or Fat

This is the title of a book written by Naomi Moriyama, a Japanese writer, who decided to inform the world about the tricks of Japanese cuisine and their natural cures which help them stay healthy. In the book, she explains that their cuisine is pivotal in averting aging, serious health problems, as well as weight gain. A lot of Japanese people frequently consume fish, rice, seaweed, green tea, soy, fruits and veggies, and homemade soups.

She goes on to explain that in Japan, people learn about the dos and don’ts of a healthy diet and they develop an appreciation for the food they eat and always eat slowly. Their portions are much smaller than portions in the West and most of the meals are prepared by steaming and grilling. Instead of using bread as a side meal, they combine rice with almost every other food.

For Japanese people, breakfast is the most important meal in the day and theirs is mostly a combination of foods and drinks like fish, omelet, soup, seaweed, tofu, rice, green tea, and spring garlic. Unlike in other parts of the world, they rarely consume sugary foods and when they do, it is a very small portion. Moriyama also puts emphasis on the role of exercising in the life of Japanese women. They consider it a pivotal element to a healthy lifestyle and the most practiced physical activities throughout Japan are walking, hiking, and biking.