12 Things that Happen to Your Body when You Eat Eggs

According to nutritionists, eggs are a pivotal part of a healthy diet because of their amazing nutritive properties. Namely, they are abundant in proteins, iron, antioxidants, as well as amino acids. They make the ideal breakfast for athletes and people who want or need to gain muscles. The yolk is known to contain choline or a fat-fighting nutrient.

When buying eggs, it is pivotal to opt for the organic ones which are free of hormones, vaccines, and hormones. If you are still having doubts about whether to eat more eggs or not, make sure you check out the list with the 12 best benefits of regular egg consumption.

Why Should You Eat more Eggs?

  1. Increase the energy levels

Vitamins from the B group are needed for optimal energy levels and it is good to know that one egg has 15 percent of the RDA of vitamin B2.

  1. Lower anxiousness and stress

According to a study done in 2004 by the National Academy of Sciences, the compounds from eggs can minimize anxiety and stress by regulating the serotonin levels in the nervous system.

  1. Prolong the satiety

Foods that are high in protein, such as eggs, are known to prolong the feeling of fullness and thus, they can successfully avert overeating and weight gain.

  1. Encourage loss of weight

Eggs are known to help the shedding of fat and a study also showed that those who consumed eggs for breakfast lost 65 percent more weight than the group who did not.

  1. Better the vision

The lutein and zeaxanthin in eggs can lower the chance for age-related macular degeneration and cataracts and this has been shown by a study.

  1. Strengthen the bones and teeth

The vitamin D in eggs is highly advantageous for strong bones and teeth because they can enhance the calcium absorption.

  1. Better the health of the hair and skin

The B2, B5, and B12 in eggs are known to enhance the health of the hair, skin, and nails, but to better the functioning of the brain and liver as well.

  1. Boost the immune system

An egg or two per day can prevent infections, viruses, and illnesses by improving the functioning of your immunity. What’s more, eggs have 22 percent of the selenium RDA. This nutrient is good for the immune system and for the thyroid gland too.

  1. Avert cardiovascular issues

According to research, individuals with small LDL particles have a higher chance of heart problems than the ones with larger particles. Eggs have the power to increase the LDL particles, which is great in fighting off heart issues.

  1. They can save your life

The human body produces 11 essential amino acids which are pivotal for sustaining life; however, there are 9 more amino acids which are also necessary and all of these are found in eggs! Deficiency in any of these nine amino acids has been associated with tiredness, weak immunity, weak muscles, and poor skin and hair health.

  1. Enhance the cholesterol profile

Contrary to popular belief that eggs can be bad for the cholesterol, more and more studies actually show that eggs can better the levels of cholesterol by elevating the levels of the good, HDL cholesterol.