Baking Soda And Castor Oil Can Treat More Than 20 Health Problems

The rising popularity of natural remedies and natural medicine should come as no surprise, as there is a natural treatment for basically every illness and condition out there.

Studies show that natural remedies can be more effective than treatments prescribed and endorsed by conventional medicine. One such remedy is a mixture of baking soda and castor oil. This highly potent healing mixture is used to treat numerous amount of health conditions, and its effectiveness is unrivaled.

Baking Soda

Baking soda’s primary role is not for medicinal purposes, but rather in culinary ones; it is used as a raising agent in baking, due to the reaction it creates with acidic compounds. The same effects are responsible for neutralizing the acidity of our organism, and restoring the pH balance. Baking soda, on its own, is commonly used to treat indigestion, heartburn, and similar digestive issues, and those who use it regularly claim that it is more effective than over-the-counter meds aimed at the same issues, such as Tums.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is the oil obtained from castor beans. It is commonly used as a lubricant, as well as in medicinal purposes. People have learned that they can use it to preserve oral health, health of their skin and hair, as well as for managing cramps, menstrual disorders, and many more health-related issues.

Castor oil boasts remarkable effects on circulation, making it a popular choice for topical applications. For this procedure, gather plastic foil, cold-pressed castor oil, a towel, clean gauze, and a bottle of warm water.

Begin by cleansing the intended area with a baking soda solution. Warm the castor oil, saturate the gauze with it, and apply it to the affected area. Cover with foil and place the warm water bottle over it. Wrap with a towel and allow it to remain for an hour. Lie down and aim to relax.

Repeat this regimen daily for 40 days. Always warm the castor oil before application. Should the oil change color or develop an unusual odor, prepare a fresh coating.

According to Dr. William A. McGarey, castor oil offers benefits for various health conditions:

  • Speed up the healing process of cuts, bruises, and wounds by applying castor oil.
  • Aid in the swift recovery of a strained ankle by wrapping it with castor oil-coated gauze overnight.
  • Massage the abdomen with castor oil in the final two months of pregnancy to prevent stretch marks.
  • Combat dark spots on the face by combining baking soda with castor oil.
  • Address cataracts by applying a drop of castor oil nightly before bedtime.
  • Treat chronic hoarseness and vocal cord nodules by applying a castor oil-coated compress to the neck daily.
  • Address pilonidal cysts with castor oil applications.
  • Consume five drops of castor oil each morning to expedite allergy treatment.
  • Alleviate eye allergies by applying castor oil to the eyelids before bedtime.
  • Aid in overcoming nicotine and alcohol addiction by consuming several drops of castor oil daily.
  • Stimulate hair growth by massaging the scalp with castor oil 20 minutes before shampooing daily.
  • Improve hearing by applying a few drops of castor oil into the ear canal.
  • Eliminate tinnitus by ingesting six to eight drops of castor oil daily for four months.
  • Relieve lower back pain by applying castor oil-coated compresses for a week.
  • Treat chronic diarrhea by applying castor oil-coated compresses to the abdomen.
  • Remove warts by rubbing castor oil on the affected area daily for a month.
  • Combat fungal infections on the feet with daily castor oil applications.
  • Rid the soles of calcium deposits by massaging them with castor oil daily.
  • Eliminate moles by applying castor oil to them daily for a month.
  • Address hyperactivity by applying castor oil-coated compresses to the abdomen.
