How to Make a Tea Which Fights Off Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition characterized by a dimpled and lumpy skin and it is most common for the thighs and buttocks area, but it can also develop in other body parts. In most cases, it is a consequence of fat deposits pushing through the connective tissue underneath the skin. According to statistics, around 80 to 90 percent of women will experience it at a specific period in their lives.

The Causes for Cellulite

  • Hormonal factors
  • Age
  • Genetics
  • Poor diet
  • Surplus weight
  • Lymphatic issues


First and foremost, in order to increase the chances for positive outcome, you need to improve your diet and start exercising on a regular basis. Also, you need to begin drinking the following tea that has the power to enhance the appearance of the skin and help you put an end to the ‘cellulite chapter’ of your life! Let’s check it out!

Horsetail & Artichoke anti-Cellulite Tea

You will need:

One artichoke

2 cups of water

2 tbsp of horsetail

A tsp of lemon juice

Preparation: First, chop the artichoke and then boil it in the water. When the water reaches boiling point, lower the heat and add the horsetail and leave the content to simmer for 3 minutes before turning off the stove. Leave it to cook for 10 more minutes and then strain the content and add the lemon juice.

Use: Drink one warm cup in the morning and another one in the evening for a period of 14 days. Then, make a 7-day pause before you begin with the consumption again.

The Benefits of the Ingredients


Abundant in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they are considered to possess fat-burning properties that will lower the absorption of intestinal fat and speed up the metabolism, resulting in a quicker weight loss. The dietary fiber will better the digestion and prevent cravings and high levels of bad cholesterol. Its diuretic characteristics are highly effective against fluid retention. What’s more, the detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties will purify the blood and eliminate toxins. The vitamins A and E in it will minimize oxidative stress and avert premature aging. Artichokes are highly recommendable for people who want to improve the functioning of their liver and gallbladder.


This plant has the power to cleanse the whole body and lower cellulite with the help of its diuretic and antioxidant characteristics. Moreover, it will elevate the production of urine and thus, encourage the expulsion of minerals salts and toxins deposited in the kidneys. Moreover, as it is abundant in minerals, it is highly recommendable for the regulation of electrolytes and for a healthier lymphatic and circulatory system. It is also good for overweight or obese individuals because it can enhance the metabolism.