Learn How Water Fasting Can Help You Live Longer

As seen on CNN, ongoing research indicates that a calorie-controlled nutrition is not just good for the overall health, but it can prolong our lifespan too. Though the topic of controlling the intake of calories to better the health is not something new, researchers are hoping to be able to pinpoint the exact type of diet that will help people live longer.

What Are the Researchers Doing?

The team at USC is decreasing the calorie count as much as it can go and are utilizing specific foods with the goal to trick the body into thinking that it is fasting. This process is known as mimicry. According to Valter Longo, a professor of Gerontology and head of the research, our type of nutrition does have an influence on us and he has been focused on discovering the mechanisms of human ageing and the role of fasting. He adds that fasting may be able to reprogram our bodies and help us live longer.

The Goal of Longo’s Research

For millennia, fasting has been practiced between different cultures and communities so Longo’s team decided to research its benefits. They tested the influence of fasting for 5 days in a row every month on the basis of the claim that when the body thinks it is in fasting state, it turns off and enters standby mode. When this happens, the cells are destroyed and the stem cells turn on. Once this happens, they can regenerate the lost cells and organ mass, resulting into a younger and a shinier you.

How Does Fasting Work?

During fast, the protein and some amino acids are reduced and you control certain pathways in the body. These pathways are known as PKA, TOR, and IGF and when regulated, they can lead to some reactions that will cause death of immune cells and organ shrinkage. This reduction of pathways is why the protein needs to be controlled during a diet because otherwise, the wrong pathways will be activated. Reducing the activity of the IGF pathway will decrease the risk factors for heart problems and diabetes, as seen on CNN.

Taking into consideration that the cells in our body have a lot of tasks to perform on a daily basis, including the removal of toxins, the storing of surplus calories may disrupt their workload and lead to the depositing of specific products. Hence, calorie regulation may be beneficial and diet is pivotal to longevity.

Final Thoughts

According to the article, additional research is necessary in order to find the meals which meet the criteria. Longo has his own nutrition company called L-Nutra which sells products to this purpose. According to him, the profits are invested into the funds for further research.
