8 Important Signs That Your Body Is Very Stressed

There are a lot of people who are able to balance between their work and family time. However, in a lot of cases, this can be very stressful for the body and those who experience this problem may be more prone to pain and illnesses. Although in some situations this is considered a normal consequence of living a busy life, sometimes, it can cause specific problems. This is why it is crucial to learn the most common signs of an overstressed body and do everything in our power to lower the stress and thus, avert further more serious health complications.

The 8 Most Common Symptoms of an Overly-Stressed Body

Changes in weight

In a lot of situations, we are unable to maintain a balanced weight despite our efforts like a healthy diet and regular exercising. This may be a result of some intense or traumatic situation during which the body’s production of cortisol, the stress hormone, is much higher than normally. This hormone is known to regulate the fat and carbs and the sugar levels too. When there is too much of it, your appetite will increase and your testosterone secretion will decrease. As a result, your body will burn fewer calories and you will end up gaining weight.

Skin problems like acne

Skin issues like psoriasis and acne can be a consequence of too much stress. According to research, there is a strong connection between skin complications and elevated production of the stress hormone cortisol.

Feeling unwell

Chronic exposure to negative stress will increase the immunity’s sensitivity to cortisol and this will result in inflammation and a higher chance of illnesses.

Stomach complications

According to research, stress is known to negatively influence the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that stress tires the muscles and puts pressure on the organs. Though medications can suppress the ache, in order to get rid of it permanently, you need to search for the main cause of your anxiety and stress and deal with it adequately.

Poor focus

For the mind to be able to focus on daily tasks, it needs to be free of negativity. However, stress overwhelms you and you end up losing your focus. This is why we need to find beneficial methods to cope with stress prior and after work.

Hair loss

Research points out that chronic stress can trigger loss of hair because it leads to Telogen Effluvium or a condition during which stress puts the hair roots in a state of rest. However, this is not the sole reason for hair loss and you should consult your physician to determine the main cause.

Frequent headaches

Headaches can be a symptom of numerous health problems ranging from poor sleep quality to high or low blood pressure, but it can also be a result of too much stress. In this case, it happens because of the muscle contractions in the area of the head and neck that will continue pounding as long as the body is exposed to stress.

Sleeping issues

In a lot of people, insomnia is a result of too much stress. Overthinking and anxious thoughts may be the underlying cause for your inability to fall asleep easily and stay asleep. This results in diminished performance at work and poor relations with family members due to crankiness. Sleeping pills are not a long-term solution and come with a lot of side effects as well. Instead, look for safe and effective ways to get rid of stress like meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, forest bathing, etc.
