Garlic Health Benefits – Why You Should Eat Raw Garlic Daily

You could say without a doubt that garlic is one of the most widely used medicinal remedies out there. Known for centuries and present in nearly all cultures, garlic is more than just a spice used in cooking around the world.
Garlic has a stronger taste raw than cooked. The Scripps Research Institute says this is because when raw garlic is crushed, it releases ion channel proteins called TRPV1 and TRPA1, which are expressed on pain-sensing neurons in your mouth. It also releases an enzyme called alliinase, which creates alliin within 60 seconds. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, alliin dramatically increases the antioxidant potential of garlic, with its optimal levels appearing 10 minutes after it is crushed.
The sulfur compounds and phytonutrients have made garlic famous since ancient times because they fight illnesses. That’s why it’s generally believed that garlic drives away not only vampires, but any epidemic or disease.

Cancer prevention
A University of Minnesota study, observing the diets of 41,000 women, revealed women who regularly ate garlic with fruits and vegetables over a five-year period had a 35 percent lower risk of developing cancer than women who did not eat garlic. Garlic also may offer immune system support to people with existing cancer of the digestive system. In 2006, researchers from Japan’s Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine studied 50 patients with advanced liver, colon or pancreatic cancer. In the “Journal of Nutrition,” the researchers stated that the patients’ immune activity improved after taking aged garlic daily for six months.

Cholesterol regulation
According to the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,” oils in garlic may lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. The American Society for Clinical Nutrition conducted a study of 20 healthy people and 62 people with coronary heart disease, giving some of them garlic. All of the participants who ate garlic daily showed a significant decrease in serum cholesterol and triglycerides. The researchers concluded that garlic may play a role in preventing and treating health issues due to high cholesterol.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic
Did you know that during medicinal shortages in World War II they used garlic instead of antibiotics? This powerful antibiotic was used back then and today, eating a clove of garlic on a regular basis can help you in a variety of ways:

It strengthens your immune system.
It cures minor infections.
It promotes the healing of wounds.
It fights colds and the flu.

With all this in mind, it is no wonder that garlic is the most popular spice around the globe. Do yourself a favor, eat a clove of garlic every day; if you’re not able to eat it on an empty stomach, on its own, just add it to a stir fry or into a salad.
It is important to note that those allergic to garlic should, naturally, avoid it, as it can cause them more harm than good. People with high body temperature or prolonged heavy head ache should avoid eating raw garlic too.


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