Everything You Need to Know about Ketosis

Ketosis is a metabolic state during which the body does not use sugar for energy, but fat. This change happens when the blood sugar is low and the glycogen in the muscles is gone. This can be achieved through a low carb diet or fasting for a longer period if time. According to research, this method may have a beneficial influence on our weight, but on our overall health too.

The Basics of Ketosis

When the body is not in ketosis, it gets its power from sugar in carbs, but, reducing the intake of carbs will make the body reach into its sugar reserves for energy. When the glycogen is depleted completely, usually within the first 3 days of the regimen, the liver starts metabolizing fat, which is known as ketogenesis. This triggers the production of ketones which are byproducts of fat metabolism used by the body as an alternative energy.

The Ketogenic Diet

In order for the body to enter this state, you need to avoid carbs, either through fasting or through this diet which is rich in fat, low on protein, and very low on carbs. The diet has a lot of variations, but generally, it is comprised of veggies low in carb like leafy greens and healthy fat sources and protein from nuts, avocados, seeds, and olive oil. Other foods sources are meat, eggs, and fish.

Recognizing Ketosis

Some of the signs are reduction in appetite and rebound in energy, but this can also be established with the help of urine test strips that show presence or absence of ketones, as well as detection of ketosis through exhaled breath.

The Health Advantages of Ketogenic Diet

Triggers weight loss

By making the body burn stored body fat, it is highly efficient for loss of weight. One study showed that overweight men who followed this type of diet for 30 months lost 12 pounds on average.

Regulated blood sugar

Due to the low consumption of sugar, this diet is effective for the regulation of the blood sugar levels. However, people with type 1 diabetes should consult their physician before starting this type of diet because they may be prone to a high level of acidity in the body.

Lowers the negative effects of aging

A ketogenic diet has the power to soften and minimize the negative effects from aging by triggering strength and longevity.

Makes the brain healthier

Low carb diet is known to trigger a normal cognitive function and according to animal studies, it can also be useful against neurodegenerative illnesses as ketosis guards neurons from oxidative damage on the outer brain layer. Damage to this area is a cause for neurodegenerative diseases.

Strengthens the immunity

In an animal study done by researchers from the Yale School of Medicine, allergen hypersensitivity was decreased when the ketone levels were higher.

What about Side Effects?

  • As previously pointed out, in people with type 1 diabetes whose production of insulin does not happen, it can trigger ketoacidosis which can be fatal
  • In the first couple of days, one may be prone to hunger, irritability, and tiredness