Why Fermented Beets Are one of the Best Things You Can Eat daily

Without doubt, eating more beets can be highly beneficial for your overall health because they are abundant in powerful nutrients. Namely, they have polyphenols and betalains, antioxidants that can fight off heart disease, cancer, and birth defects. The betaine which they contain can better the functioning of the liver and improve the body’s elimination of toxins and other waste. The best option for beets is to consume them fermented. You can learn why below.

Why Are Fermented Foods Good for Us?

Salt and water allows for the process of lacto-fermentation to happen and this gives place for the good bacterium Lactobacilli to develop. This can be done with every vegetable and thus, enrich its healing properties additionally. This is because the nutrients are pre-digested and the assimilation is easier. The good bacteria they offer will purify the body from all impurities.

How to Make Fermented Beets at Home


One jar

6 beets, medium-sized

Half a tsp of sea salt

2 cups of water

Fennel seeds; coriander seeds; mustard seeds (optional)

Preparation: Wash the beets and then dry them and poke them with a knife in several places. Then, place them in a baking sheet and bake them at 300 degrees for 90 minutes. When they soften, remove them from the stove and remove the skin and chop the pieces into slices. Put them in the jar and make a mixture of the sea salt and water and pour it over the beet slices. Add the seeds, if you want any and close the jar and keep it at room temperature for three days and then transfer it to the fridge.

Use: Consume the beets on their own or as a salad or an addition to various meals.

Source :  https://bestfolkmedicine.com/2018/08/why-fermented-beets-are-one-of-the-best-things-you-can-eat-daily/