10 Reasons You Should Be Feeding Coconut Oil To Your Pets

Most people are familiar with coconut oil, and the benifits it offers to us. However, not many are aware of the fact that your pets can also enjoy this miraculous oil’s healing properties.

Here are some of many positive effects that coconut oil has to offer for your pet:

  1. Strong skin and shiny fur

Some pets are prone to dandruff, or hot spots. Others like roaming through grass and dirt, and they get soars or ticks on them. To ease the irritation on your pet’s skin, or make its fur shiny and healthy-looking, apply a small amount of coconut oil to the affected area or fur.

  • Healthy mouth

It is a proven fact that dog’s mouth has fewer bacteria than ours. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t get nasty oral infections or gum disease. For those less serious ones, coconut oil is your friend. For more severe, persistent infections, visit a vet.

  • Nutritious Fats

Pets, same as us, need a healthy amount of saturated fats in their diet. Their ancestors used to get these by hunting animals with high-fat count. Nowadays, most pet food products contain some amount of saturated fats, but not as much as your pet requires. In order to compensate for the lack of fats, add a small amount of coconut oil to your dog or cat’s food.

  • Antioxidant

Our pets are exposed to the same toxins in the environment as we are. So, it’s only natural that their cells can be damaged by oxidation, same as ours. Adding a small amount of coconut oil to your pet’s diet makes sure its organism keeps running at the optimal level.

  • Weight control

Adding coconut oil to their food regulates your pet’s appetite, and improves metabolism. If your pet has weight issues, or just seems to never stop eating, coconut oil will help.

  • Wounds and infection

Applying coconut oil to wounds and infected tissue will improve healing drastically; in humans and in animals.

  • Hormonal balance

Pets suffering from hormonal imbalance exhibit this problem by acting erratic or cranky. The first thing you should try is feeding them small amount of coconut oil, as it is known to restore the balance. The healthy fats in the oil improve the production of hormones, and they could help your pet. If it doesn’t help, visit a vet.

  • Joint pain

Elderly pets can have problems with walking, and even standing. This issue is also common with over-weight pets, and it can easily be resolved by introducing small amount of coconut oil to your pet’s diet.

  • Digestive issues

As mentioned before, coconut oil stabilizes appetite and metabolism. For some pets, reducing the amount of food they intake will be enough to get rid of digestive problems. Others may benefit from the fact that fatty acids contained in coconut oil increase the ability of your pet’s body to absorb nutrients.

  1. Parasites

Parasites like giardia will become a thing of the past once you introduce coconut oil to your pet’s diet. One of the main ingredients in coconut oil, Lauric acid, dissolves the cells of parasites, bacteria and fungi.

The important thing to note before feeding coconut oil to your pet, is that animals can be allergic to it. These allergies are not common, but please consult your vet before changing your pet’s diet.