Ginger Wrap – Removes Mucus from Lungs and Cures Strong Coughs for Only One Night! Very Efficient for children

Ginger is, as you’ve probably heard and read a million times, an Asian root plant, used in traditional Asian cuisine for centuries. The use of this spice has spread to the western world early, as it was one of the first herbs to be exported. Ancient Greeks and Romans used it, and even they were aware of the health benefits that ginger brings with prolonged consumption.

You can use ginger in literally hundreds of ways, but the most common ones are adding the ginger powder to food or drinks. These two ways are the fastest in terms of nutrient absorption and the use of those health benefits that ginger offers. The distinctive aroma is suitable for teas; however, a minority of people can’t stand the smell of ginger and therefore tend to use it as a spice in cooking, as the smell is not as prominent.

The health benefits of ginger are as plentiful as the uses of the spice; it is used to reduce muscle cramps and pain, migraines, stomach issues, boost metabolism, etc. The most controversial benefit of ginger is its use in cancer prevention and management, as the scientific community has divided opinions on the subject. However, millions of people suffering from this vicious illness claim that ginger is what saved them.

Ginger can also be used for respiratory issues. If you have mucus built up in your lungs, or suffer from a bad case of cough, a ginger body wrap is going to be your best friend.

Ginger body wraps are proving to be one of the best and quickest methods of getting rid of mucus in the lungs, coughs, and even colds and flu. The addition of honey makes it even more effective, and able to treat even the most persistent cough basically overnight. The ginger wrap is safe to use for all; children, pregnant women, and adults, as all of the ingredients are natural and completely harmless, unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients.


  • Honey
  • Flour
  • Ginger juice
  • Vegetable oil
  • Gauze
  • Napkin
  • Band aid


  1. Combine the ginger juice with flour and some honey
  2. Add vegetable oil and mix until everything is combined
  3. Apply the mixture onto the napkin, then wrap it in gauze
  4. Place the napkin on your chest, just above the heart
  5. Secure the napkin in place with a band aid
  6. Put on a T-shirt or pajamas, and leave the wrap on overnight

*children should avoid sleeping with the wrap, and they should use the wrap 2-3 hours before going to bed

*for stronger effect add some mustard powder to the mixture

If you notice excessive sweating throughout the night, do not be alarmed, as it is an expected effect of the wrap. The improvement should be noticed after the first use, as the ingredients in the wrap have highly potent anti-inflammatory properties. You should start applying the wrap as soon as you notice the first symptoms of respiratory issues, and keep applying it for a few nights in a row, until the inflammation is gone, and the mucus in your longs is dissolved.
