Researchers Reveal: Messy People Are actually Productive Geniuses!

Even though messy people are usually the ones who make others nervous because they are all over the place, new research indicates something else! It appears that your messy sibling or friend is actually far more than being unproductive and lazy.

Believe it or not, their messiness may be a sign of higher intelligence. They are considered to be the productive geniuses of our society? Is this for real?! If you are not yet convinced in what we are talking about; no worries, we have a lot of scientific data to back up our claims…

Continue reading the article to learn the 5 reasons why scientists think that messy people are very intelligent.

5 Reasons Why Messy People Are more Intelligent than We Think

  • Mess inspires creativity and inspires you

Did you know that a lot of famous authors have worked in a messy desk? Some of them include Mark Twain and J.K. Rowling. Many believe that have a scattered work table stimulates creativity and improvement in the problem-solving skills. A study performed back in 2013 by Kathleen Vohs showed that messy work space encouraged positive thinking. And, too tidy spaces may cause us to think in a conventional way and make us play it safe and stick to what we know. Though it may seem far-fetched to many, being messy may actually be a manifestation of one’s capacity to challenge the norms and dare to be different.

  • They see the bigger picture

Though paying attention to details is important in different types of work, seeing the bigger picture is what helps us come up with new ideas and find potential solutions. It eases our decision making and helps in the long run. When a person is not obsessed with perfection, they have more time to see what really matters. This also betters their approach to new things in life, betters their judgment, and helps them act proactively to change.

  • They process things in a creative manner

People with “unorganized” minds do not think in the same way others do. Some studies indicate that they use the right side of the brain more, that is, the part responsible for creative thinking. This is why they usually have unique ideas and the capacity to think outside of the box. Hence, they are considered more creative and to always have innovative ideas. This is because they have the unique ability to connect seemingly unrelated aspects and see patterns where no one else does.

  • They may be right after all

Have you heard of entropy? It is a theory that the world is constantly changing from organized to disorganized, so, organization cannot remain long-term because chaos always follows. Moreover, according to a physicist, Adam Frank, disorder is actually the most natural state of the universe. Therefore, messy people may be right. This being said, we cannot argue that no matter how many times you clean up your work desk, it will eventually get messy. Of course, general cleanliness and good hygiene are important; however, being too neat may harm your productivity.

  • Eager to learn and full of interests

People who have a “messy” brain are rarely satisfied with doing only one thing. They are in constant search of new skills that will satisfy the desires of their brain. So, they are always learning new things and developing new skills. This being said, these people may often have a lot more knowledge than the ordinary person. Though they may be the jack of all trades, they are without doubt practical people who exercise their minds on a regular basis.
