If Spiders Worked Together, They Could Eat Humans in a Year

Believe it or not, this scary and disgusting truth will leave you shocked! Namely, it was discovered that spiders could eat the 7.2 billion people on the planet in a year if they wanted to. Oh no!

This finding comes from a report published in Washington Post where experts explain that the weight eaten by the world’s whole population of spiders in a year is more than the entire weight of every human being on the planet. If you want to learn more about this alarming news, continue reading the article.

Spiders Could Take over the Planet?

The research was led by Martin Nyffeler from the University of Basel in Switzerland and Klaus Birkhofer from Lund University in Sweden and published in the Journal Science of Nature in 2017. Even though this finding is already 2 years old, it is as devastating and horrible as when we first heard of it.

The scientific team concluded that spiders from around the globe consume between 440.9 and 881.8 million tons of prey in a year. And, the biomass of all adult humans on the planet is estimated to be 316.3 million tons. This being said, we are not even sufficient for their appetite if they “decide to organize” and eat us! Yeah, they will still be hungry…

Moreover, all the spiders on the earth weigh around 25 million tons which is equivalent to 478 Titanics. But, the good news is that spiders are not likely to eat us because they like insects like flies and mosquitoes more. So, they are more our friends than enemies.
