First Time in 6 Decades, Bioluminescent Planktons Light Up a Beach in Acapulco

Noctiluca scintillans, also known as the sea sparkle or bioluminescent dinoflagellates are planktons- small marine organisms which can sometimes make the surface of oceans look like they’re sparkling at night.

This is definitely one of the most stunning views one could witness.

Because of the lockdowns and quarantines worldwide happening today because of the coronavirus, beaches are less full than before, but several people were on this beach in Mexico and were able to witness this phenomenon which has immediately gone viral on social media.

Bioluminescent Planktons Light Up this Beach in Acapulco

Did you know that this rare phenomenon last happened somewhere around 60 years ago in Acapulco in Mexico? Some locals were fortunate enough to see this amazing light spectacle at the beach of Puerto Marques.

This blue light phenomenon in nature is a result of the bioluminescent planktons which trigger chemical reactions in the water.

Some of the bioluminescent organisms don’t synthesize luciferin, but rather absorb it from other organisms through food or as a symbiotic relationship.

The sea sparkle is a free living, marine species of dinoflagellate which portrays bioluminescence upon agitation.

Even though a lot of people associated this latest marvel with the decrease in pollution that’s been happening on a global level, according to Enrique Ayala Duval who’s a marine biologist, there’s lack of proof to this claim.

Duval notes that this process is a combination of several environmental factors, including the presence of nutrients in the water.

Anyway, all of the locals who witnessed this phenomenon were amazed.

Some of the videos that were shared online show one of them jumping to take a bath in the neon blue water! He will definitely remember this day forever…

Not as Rare as You May Think?

Even though it took around 6 decades to be witnessed again in this region, elsewhere in Mexico and some other parts of the world, this stunning sight has been witnessed several times.

The most recent special moment was caught at Newport Beach where the dolphins were seen enjoying this spectacle as much as the people did while calmly surfing the light blue waves.

Check out the wonderful video below and don’t forget to share it with friends and family, it will definitely make their day more beautiful!
