4 Things Narcissists Do to Stay in the Center of Attention

Narcissist is a term used to describe people who seem to be too full of themselves.

According to Psychology Today, there’s a growing sense of narcissism being on the rise in the world, particularly in younger population; however, research doesn’t back up this claim.

Although it’s easy to say that a person who talks too much about their career or one who never doubts in himself is a narcissist; the trait goes much deeper.

This type of personality isn’t necessarily too much self-esteem or too much insecurity-but rather a hunger to be admired, appreciated, to be the center of attention, and to reflect higher status.

This person also tends to lack empathy, believes they’re very important, they think they deserve to be treated specially.

Below, check the 4 ways in which you can spot a narcissist in your surroundings.

4 Things Narcissists Do to Remain the Center of Attention

  • Playing the victim

For example, you’re telling a story about someone’s struggles or sympathizing with a person in the group for something, a narcissist can’t stand this type of empathy, so they will try to change the conversation and turn things into their favor.

Suddenly, they’re the victim and nobody else’s struggles will seem tough. They want to ensure nobody is stealing their thunder.

  • Make you feel you’re wrong

When they feel like they’re being blamed for something, especially if they know they’re the guilty ones, they will try to look better by making the other side feel bad.

Because of their words, you’ll begin to doubt yourself-use a simple smile and lack of interest to defend yourself from their blame projection.

  • They’re constantly interrupting you

A narcissist will always try to make things about themselves. They’ll change subjects or entire conversations.

Another tactic is to ask questions, without actually caring what your answers will be. They can also go to the extent of making up things so that they’ll feel included.

  • They try to intimidate you

A narcissist is used on intimidating people and manipulating them into feeling like they want them to.

Their ultimate goal is to confuse the victim who will give in. They want others to become submissive and to give in.

When the other side admits they’re wrong, a narcissist is thriving as they’re highly competitive.

For them, everything is a win or lose situation and they hate losing.
