We Bet You Can’t Count all the tiny Squares in this Giant Box

Who doesn’t enjoy a quality puzzle or riddle from time to time, right?

And, as we’ve recently heard of a popular new one with squares confusing the World Wide Web, we had to check it out and share it with you.

You’ll love the awesome mental workout this riddle will provide you with. At first, you may think it’s simple-you just need to count the squares in the image.

The image is a big square with tiny squares inside it.

And, the challenge seems even simpler when you notice that several of the squares are of different color.

The squares that are same color are next to each other, making bigger squares and serve as a reminder. Still, things become trickier when you actually start with the counting.

What Is the Answer: How many Tiny Squares are there Really?

We Bet You Can’t Count all the tiny Squares in this Giant Box

People commented all sorts of possible answers; some said 35, others claimed it’s 22.

And, there are even those who claimed the number is 102! However; there’s only one correct answer and this answer is below.


The number of tiny squares is 51.

The key is to note that the smaller squares can become bigger ones. And, you should also keep track of the smallest and the biggest ones while counting.

If you had fun with this riddle, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family. Did they guess the correct answer?

Share your answers with us in the comment section below!
