Men Can now Breastfeed their Babies Thanks to this Revolutionary Japanese Invention

Believe it or not, thanks to this new innovative Japanese invention, men can now breastfeed their children too!

Made by Dentsu, a Japanese company, the Father’s Nursing Assistant, enables men to carry milk and to feed their babies through an artificial nipple.

The device is wrapped over one shoulder and the nipple made from silicone delivers milk when it’s sucked upon.

Men can now Be Active Participants in Early Baby Care

Thanks to this device, women will no longer be the only ones to get up several times during the night to feed their babies.

Their fathers can also help thanks to this device-it’s also similar to the closeness that babies experience when fed by their mothers.

The Father’s Nursing Assistant Comes with many Features

This device has a lot of amazing features to offer for improved experience.

Namely, it heats up and also vibrates all with the purpose to be more similar to the milk temperature coming right out of the body of women.

Moreover, it provides the feature to track the baby’s sleeping patterns and can be sent to your phone.

According to the company, they included this feature because the sleeping time of Japanese infants is shorter in comparison to the children elsewhere.

Consequently, the lower sleep is also putting pressure on the parents. In these situations, the father’s participation is lower than the mother’s.

But, thanks to this device, things may change. Breastfeeding can help reduce the burden on mothers and help children fall asleep faster.

In addition to helping fathers when their spouses want to rest, this seems like an awesome device for male-only couples and single fathers.

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has a long list of proven benefits-it supplies the child with nutrients and potent antibodies that help strengthen their immunity.

What’s more, it also betters the parent-child connection.

Thanks to this device, the baby won’t have to miss out on closeness with their parent. What is your personal opinion about this device? Would you use it if you have it?

Share your thoughts with us in the comment section!
