Are You an Empath Who Grew Up with Emotional Neglect?

Although a lot of people believe they’re highly-sensitive, it’s more than clear that there aren’t two people like this who’re entirely the same. When these children grow in healthy families, they thrive; however, when this isn’t the case, something else happens.

What Does It Mean to Be Highly Sensitive?

When a highly sensitive person’s emotions are neglected in childhood, he/she is less aware of their abilities.

Instead of being explained that he/she is more sensitive than others and react adequately to their emtions, this child was told to stop overreacting which caused them to feel there’s something wrong with them.

This child feels constantly pressurized that their emotions are unreal and this causes them to feel uncomfortable. Being overly sensitive requires that extra support.

Highly sensitive people are people with analytic personality-they think about everything; and, every decision they make or any word they’ve said has been thought about on a deeper level.

But, this also means they feel pain and neglect deeper too.

What Does It Mean to be an Empath?

Empaths are highly-sensitive people who’re in-tune with the emotions of others around them.

Being so deeply sensitive makes them sensitive to hectic scenarios, larger crows, big personalities, and other excessive stimuli.

This is mostly because they’re able to take in others’ emotions, both the good and the bad stuff. 

Being an empath has a lot of benefits; however, it also causes a lot of stress and pressure. These people’s intuition is strong, especially when distinguishing between the truth and the lie.

Are You an Empath Who Was Emotionally Neglected as a Child?

According to Dr Jonice Webb, emotional neglect is the inability of a parent to act, notice, attend to or respond adequately to a child’s feelings. When nothing happens, a person is emotionally neglected.

It’s not an easy concept to comprehend because it’s easy to find what’s harmful from a parent who criticizes, smacks or yells, but it’s harder to pinpoint what a parent is failing to do for their child.

Empathic children who’re emotionally neglected may’ve grown up being told they over-analyze stuff or are over-reacting. Their parents didn’t realize it was important for their children to process these emotions and brushed them away as a weak.

If you recognize yourself in these patterns, you should know that there are useful ways to heal. First, you need to process and understand what you went through and where your parents made mistakes.

In this way, you’ll have a more positive outlook towards your unique way of feeling and your deep emotions.
