Tag: emotions

Are You an Empath Who Grew Up with Emotional Neglect?

Are You an Empath Who Grew Up with Emotional Neglect?

Although a lot of people believe they’re highly-sensitive, it’s more than clear that there aren’t two people like this who’re entirely the same. When these children grow in healthy families, they thrive; however, when this isn’t the case, something else happens. What Does It Mean to Be Highly Sensitive? When […]

5 Situations when It’s Best to Keep Your Mouth Shut

5 Situations when It’s Best to Keep Your Mouth Shut

Is someone looking to start something with you?-Here are 5 good reasons to choose silence and why it’s good for you! Indeed, there are a lot of situations when it’s very hard not to respond to someone when they’ve pushed your buttons. However, in such problematic instances, there’s not much […]

Former Circus Elephants Reunited After 22 Years Apart

By now, most of us are well aware that animals have emotions too-they create familial bonds, friendships and feel sadness and feel happiness. People with pets are witnesses to their one-of-a-kind personality and reaction to things from their daily life. Even a small goldfish will get excited when it sees […]