Our Hope: High School Students Are Building Tiny Homes to Help Out Homeless Veterans

The students from Summer Creek and Kingwood Park High schools in Texas joined their forces for a project named Students Helping Veterans: Big Heroes, Tiny Homes.

On each campus, these students worked hard to build two tiny homes for homeless veterans and in the meantime, they’ve managed to raise thousands of dollars with the help of their community.

For their architecture teacher James Gaylord, their vision is to challenge every school in America to build one home like this too.

Giving Back to those Who’ve Given so much for Us, Say the Students

According to Brendan Flaherty, a 2020 graduate and a designer of the second tiny house, their project began as a vision to get some real-life experience in building and construction during their architecture classes and also to give back to the veterans who need it.

The tiny homes they’ve built are small, yet large enough to fit a table, bed, chairs, and cabinets. The first home they built was donated to Marine Veteran Edward Rodriguez who suffered a stroke several years ago.

Rodriguez said that the home he got from the students upended his life.

He had lost his house and job and was in need. Although he was once independent and a marine hailed a hero, he found himself humbled in front of these young people.

The second one was also given to a veteran and placed at the Langetree Retreat and Eco Center.

The Project Is Amazing & We Hope It Continues for Years & Years

One of the high school students Parker Ryan said that they hope their project continues for years.

He added that picking up a veteran off the street and telling him you have a home for him is one of the most amazing feelings he’s experienced.

The students have finished their third house and are currently working on a fourth. How amazing are they?!

We thank you for what you’re doing!



ABC 13