This Is What Sleeping on the Left Side Does for Our Brain, Stomach & Lymphatic Health

The way we sleep influences our body’s removal of waste and helps in pain management. The sleeping poses we choose will also affect everything in our body, from the brain to the gut.

Left-side sleeping is considered by scientists to be the most beneficial. When we rest properly, we allow our internal systems to work efficiently and remove waste adequately.

Sleeping on the left side can be very beneficial for people struggling with regular bowel movements. People with IBS or other gastrointestinal issues should try sleeping on the left and leave gravity to do its job.

How Does Sleeping on the Left Side Help Us?

Sleeping on the left side helps reduce heartburn and boosts the removal of waste through the colon.

When sleeping on the left side, gravity helps take the waste through the ascending, transverse, and descending colon, allowing you to be regular in the morning.

How to Be a Pro at Sleeping on Your Left Side

  • Measure the length between the neck and the end of the shoulder. Find a suitable pillow that will support this length and help the head and neck remain aligned with the spine.
  • Always choose a pillow which fits the collarbone structure.
  • Keep a firm pillow between the knees so that the hips are stacked and the lower back supported.
  • Avoid pillows that cause the head to collapse and opt for the firmer ones.
  • Keep your arms parallel and below the face.

Benefits of Sleeping on the Left Side

Good for the lymphatic system

When you sleep on the left side, the body does a better job in filtering the lymph fluids and waste through the lymph nodes because the left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic one.

It betters the digestion

Sleeping on the left side improves waste removal and it’s a natural condition for the pancreas and stomach. This aids the creation of pancreatic enzymes and improves other digestive processes.

It’s good for the cardiovascular health

For a long time, doctors have advised women to sleep on the left side in order to boost the blood flow to the heart. This pose isn’t just good for pregnant women, but for everyone else. It will reduce the pressure off the heart enhance lymph drainage.

May lower backache

A person with backache may benefit from sleeping on their left side. This will remove pressure from the spine and boost comfort.
