Strangers Gather & Help this Boy Have the Best B-Day ever after No One RSVP’d to His Party

This 11-year-old autistic boy celebrated the best b-day ever after he got more than hundreds of birthday cards from strangers. 

Harry from Chesterfield in England planned to go bowling for his 11-th birthday; however, he was having a hard time finding friends who would come. 

His mom Hannah told him that she needed to know which friends he wanted at the party in order to send them invites. The boy told her two names; however, when the mom asked their parents, they told her that their children can’t come.

His mom couldn’t understand the reason behind their decline and this is when Harry told her that one of his friends said his mom doesn’t like him and doesn’t want them to play together. 

Hannah Shares Her Disappointment on Social Media

Hannah was so sad that her child was excluded from socializingbecause he’s with special needs and shared her thoughts on social media. Soon after this, she started getting a bunch of messages from people asking if they could send Harry a birthday card and write him their wishes for his birthday.

People from all over the globe responded to the mother’s call. 

Believe it or not, the family was overwhelmed. They got hundreds of birthday cards delivered to their home, some even from New Zealand, Texas, and Dubai, congratulating Harry.

Hannah and Harry were deeply moved by the love people showed them. Hannah said she  wishes she could share every single one of them. All of these messages are beautiful. They have reread all of them and are so grateful.

One boy, named Anthony, wrote to Harry that he also has autism and that his tip that he wants to share is that autism is a gift. He believes autistic people posess plenty of strengths so Harry should never give up and should be proud of himself. 

Harry Finally Gets the Birthday Party He Deserves  

Harry also got his birthday party at the bowling center. People offered Hannah to bring their kids to the bowling arena and more than a dozen of kids showed up for the party. 

For Harry, his 11-th birthday was a total blast and when they asked him about his thoughts on the messages and cards he got, he said that this was the best birthday he’s ever had. 
