TMJ: Symptoms, Reasons & Excellent Natural Remedies

TMJ pain can have a negative effect on one’s daily life. 

The good news is that there are plenty of effective natural treatments that can help out. TMJ or temporomandibular joint is an umbrella term for disorders affecting the musculature and joints of the jaw. 

This joint is a pivotal jaw structure and it’s made of soft and hard tissues which connect the lower jaw bone with the skull’s cranial bone. It’s pivotal for movement, chewing, etc.

Between 6 and 12 percent of adults in the US deal with some type of TMJ symptom on a regular basis and estimates show that 17.8 million days of working are lost yearly because of lost sleep and TMJ ache.

What Are the Most Common Signs of TMJ?

  • Painful jaw, neck, face, ears, and shoulders
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Headaches
  • Clicking sounds while chewing 
  • Poor sleep
  • Ear ringing 
  • Joint ache 
  • Swollen jaw and face 
  • Muscle spasms 

Despite these symptoms, some TMJ sufferers don’t experience any, around 25 percent of them. This leaves the condition untreated for a long period of time, which isn’t good. Despite no symptoms, it still affects the jaw negatively. 

TMJ may be a result of trauma or a result of some underlying health condition like a hormonal imbalance, autoimmune illness, or chronic stress.

What Are the Contributing Factors for TMJ?

  • Being a woman: women develop the symptoms more often than men. Some of the reasons are believed to be hormones, higher levels of stress, some nutrient deficiencies, loss of nutrients during menstruation, etc. 
  • Teeth grinding or bruxism causes additional pressure on the jaw joint, increasing the risk of TMJ. 
  • Chronic stress-TMJ symptoms can worsen when a person is under a lot of stress and tends to clench the jaw during tension. Stress also lowers quality sleep and increases the cortisol release that increases the inflammation.
  • Arthritis- Arthritis, fibromyalgia, and some other autoimmune disorders are known to elevate the risk of TMJ due to the wearing off of the joint cartilage. 

5 Excellent Natural Remedies for TMJ Relief 

  • Manage stress and get the needed rest 

TMJ and stress are connected so this is why managing stress is pivotal to lower the symptoms. 

Some recommended relaxation methods are stretching, meditating, deep breathing, and gentle exercise. 

A combo of yoga, massage therapy, and meditation was found to be helpful too, according to the TMJ Association.

  • Specific exercises

When you want to lower jaw pressure, do gentle stretches and exercises that relax the muscles and boost jaw movements. Consult your physician or a physical therapist who specializes in TMJ exercises to learn more. 

Some TMJ sufferers swear by chiropractic adjustments because poor posture and cervical spine muscle problems can increase the risk of jaw problems.

  • Anti-inflammatory diet

Inflammation in the joints of the jaw increases the pain from TMJ. 

Therefore, it’s essential to follow an anti-inflammatory diet, particularly one with easily chewable foods to lower the risk of worsening the pain and contribute to more joint swelling. 

Avoid inflammatory foods like refined sugar and grain, excessive caffeine, and alcohol. Opt for anti-inflammatory foods like homemade veggie soups, smoothies, stews, steam-cooked veggies, wild-caught fish, collagen protein, magnesium-rich foods to prevent muscle spasms, eggs, dairy, protein shakes, and herbal teas and spices.

  • Regular workout

In addition to jaw stretches and exercises, regular whole-body workouts help decrease stress naturally. 

You also get numerous other benefits from workouts, including balanced blood sugar levels, better sleep, and reduced inflammation. 

Opt for at least 30 to 60 minutes of daily workout for most days.

  • Prolotherapy injections

One randomized controlled trial from the Mayo Clinic Proceedings journal from 2019 concluded that prolotherapy injections given over several months helped decrease jaw pain and better jaw function among adults with the condition, unlike in the control group. 

The relief was noted after three months of the therapy and the clinical improvements lasted to a whole year. The participants were highly satisfied.
