5 Helpful Home Remedies to Relieve Scalp Ringworm

Despite the name, ringworm isn’t caused by a worm or any other parasite. 

This skin condition is caused by a fungus known as tinea. It grows on dead skin tissues, including nails and hair. 

Ringworm triggers scaly, itchy, and red skin patches and as time goes by, it transforms into a ring or circle shape. This is where the name comes from. It can develop on the nails and skin, although it usually develops on the scalp and arms.

You can see it anywhere on the skin, including the face.  Here are five natural remedies that can help. 

Helpful Home Remedies for Ringworm

  1. Tea tree oil

Native Australians often used tea tree oil as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment and today, it’s used for the same purposes. 

It’s also said to be very helpful in the treatment of fungal skin infections. 

Apply it onto the ringworm areas two or three times daily with a swab or a cotton pad. For those with sensitive skin, it’s best to dilute it with a carrier oil prior to the application. 

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric is known to possess numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics. 

Moreover, it has antifungal power that prevents fungus from growing. 

Combine some fresh ground turmeric with some water and mix to get a paste.

Apply this paste onto the affected areas and leave it until it dries off. You can also consume turmeric water or turmeric tea daily to boost the healing process.

  1. Water and soap

Ringworm requires keeping the skin optimally clean. 

This will decrease the risk of the rash spreading and maintain the affected areas controlled. 

Use an antibacterial soap to wash the area daily before you put any other remedies onto it. Tap dry the areas after showering because moisture is a risk factor for fungal growth.

  1. Coconut oil

The microbial and antifungal characteristics of coconut oil can be of aid for ringworm infections. 

Apply it topically onto the affected spots. 

It can also help with candida. It’s also good for the treatment of scalp ringworm. 

Prior to the application, warm it a bit in the microwave or in the hand to make it liquid. Apply it three times per day.

  1. Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil and lemongrass tea have antifungal characteristics that may be of aid in the treatment of fungal infections like ringworm. 

To apply it, combine several drops of the oil with a carrier oil and gently massage it into the area, twice daily. 

Brewed tea bags from lemongrass can be applied to the spots as well.
