Honeysuckle’s Health Benefits & Best Uses

Honeysuckle is a group of flowering vines or shrubs. Their seeds, berries, flowers, and leaves are commonly used for medicinal purposes. 

Honeysuckle is praised for its ability to help with swelling and alleviate viruses. It’s rich in essential oils and antioxidants like quercetin. 

People use it to relieve indigestion, boost memory, fight off viral and bacterial infections, for diabetes, the common cold, etc. 

There are several benefits that honeysuckle is praised for, although most of the evidence is anecdotal.  Below, check out the best health benefits of honeysuckle for your health!

The Best Health Benefits of Honeysuckle 

  • May reduce the risk of cancer; it possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, especially the flowers and berries
  • Lowers inflammation and thus,  decreases the chance of developing chronic illnesses 
  • Better the digestion and relieve indigestion, constipation, bloating, and nausea 
  • Help in the treatment of swine flu, encephalitis, and pneumonia 
  • Beneficial for skin issues including psoriasis, eczema, acne, and rosacea 
  • Strengthens the immune response of the body and contributes to the reduction of infections and the overall vulnerability to illnesses 
  • In tea form, it can help soothe the symptoms of cold and the flu 
  • In aromatherapy, honeysuckle boosts relaxation and reduces the pressure in the sinuses 

Are There any Side Effects of Consuming Honeysuckle?

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding people are advised to avoid honeysuckle because it contains a lot of active compounds 
  • The berries of most species are toxic and can trigger major gastrointestinal problems, so be careful about which species you choose 
  • The active ingredients of honeysuckle may thin the blood so people with bleeding disorders or people who will undergo surgery should avoid it

How to Make Honeysuckle Tea?

This tea is made using the white and yellow flowers of the Japanese honeysuckle vine. The flowers come in pairs so pluck them at the base, near the nectar. Choose the freshly opened flowers.

Pour hot water over the blossoms and leave the content to cool down at room temperature. Transfer the infusion to the fridge. Leave it overnight and then strain it.

Pour over ice and decorate with a mint sprig. Since the tea is sweet by itself, make sure you try it first before adding any sweeteners. 

If you want to reduce the sweetness, add a squeeze of lemon or two.
