Fig Leaf Tea: Health Benefits & Uses (+Possible Risks!)

Since ancient times, the tea from the leaves of figs has been a common way to better the overall health. 

Many praise it for its ability to keep glucose under control, lower constipation, and better the lipid profile. 

The fig tree is part of the Moraceae family and it originates from the eastern Mediterranean and southwest Asia. This tree is popular for its fruits, but the leaves and roots are also suitable for consumption and have amazing healing properties!

What Are the Health Advantages of Fig Leaves?

Fig leaves contain phenolic compounds, as well as organic acids and volatile substances that have antioxidant, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and hypolipemic properties.

Some studies support these claims, but as always, there’s a need for more evidence so it’s best to consume such remedies in moderation and not to use them as a replacement for prescribed therapy.

Here are some of the best health benefits that fig leaves have to offer:

  • May help in the management of diabetes

Fig leaf tea may help people with diabetes balance their glucose levels. 

According to one clinical trial published in the journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, fig leaf tea helped keep the postprandial blood glucose under control, i.e. it helps lower the spikes of sugar in the blood after meals. 

  • May alleviate constipation

The fruit and leaves of the fig tree are a great way to alleviate constipation naturally. Their ingestion makes the stool softer, it boosts digestion, and encourages defecation. Consume the tea and the fruit for optimal results. 

Fiber and laxative effects-figs are a great choice for this health issue!

  • It may balance the triglyceride and cholesterol

Anecdotal evidence suggests that fig leaves can help in reducing bad cholesterol and balancing the triglyceride levels. 

One animal study released in the Phytotherapy Research journal concluded that the leaves of figs helped modulate the lipid profile and lower the risk factors associated with lipids. 

  • It possesses antibacterial properties

Fig leaves contain components rich in antibacterial characteristics that may be of aid in bacterial infections. 

In one study published in the Bacteriology and Virology journal, it was concluded that the fig leaf extracts helped prevent the spread of oral bacteria.

How to Make Fig Leaf Tea at Home?

Fig leaf tea makes a good dietary supplement and it’s highly recommendable to add it to a healthy and balanced diet to reap its benefits. 

To make it, here’s what you need:

2 cups of water

2 tbsp of dried fig leaves


Boil the water and when it boils, lower the heat and add the leaves. Cook them for five minutes and then remove it from the heat.

Leave it to cool down and then strain it into a mug. 

Consume two cups per day, two to three times per week. 

What Are the Possible Risks of Fig Leaf Tea?

For most people, this tea is safe when moderately consumed and occasionally. Excessive amounts can trigger diarrhea. 

People with a fig allergy should avoid it. There are also those who can develop an allergic reaction to it so be cautious.

The most common symptoms of an allergic reaction to figs are digestive issues, skin rashes, dizziness, and poor breathing.

Avoid fig leaf tea if you have a surgery scheduled due to the higher risk of bleeding. Don’t consume it with anticoagulants, antidiabetics, or drugs for other chronic illnesses.  This is because the interactions aren’t known!

Since more scientific data is necessary, avoid it in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
