5 Natural, Home Remedies to Treat Candida

A yeast infection or candidiasis is a result of an overgrowth of a fungus that normally lives in the vulva and it’s called Candida albicans.

The overgrowth causes inflammation, irritation, itching, and a painful and unpleasant discharge. Most women will experience it at some point in their lives. 

If it’s the first time you’re having symptoms of a yeast infection, consult a gynecologist to verify it’s this and not something else. Recurring Candida infections should be discussed with a gynecologist for treatment and prevention advice. 

Some remedies for candida infections are already ingredients you have at home. The effectiveness depends and most of the data for the success is anecdotal. 

However, in combination with the care and treatment by your doctor, there are some home remedies that can offer relief.

Below, read about five of them!

5 Natural, Home Remedies to Alleviate Candida

  1. Tea tree oil

This essential oil is used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and fungi. A suppository with tea tree, according to research, is helpful in relieving infections. 

Tea tree oil was found to possess antifungal characteristics. In another study, tea tree oil was found as beneficial as an antimicrobial in dissolving the biofilm. 

However, as this is a potent essential oil, dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba if you apply it topically. Already-prepped suppositories with tea tree are the best choice. 

You should use it occasionally and avoid swallowing it. People with sensitive skin should avoid it and the use should be stopped if any discomfort happens.

  1. Greek yogurt

Probiotics are said to be one of the most potent ways to alleviate Candida albicans. Yogurt is a natural probiotic since it contains live bacteria. 

These bacteria are pivotal for creating a healthy environment in the vulva and also relieve any candida overgrowth. In a study from 2017, yogurt consumption helped increase the microbiome in the gut and lower yeast in the body. 

People who don’t like yogurt can opt for probiotic supplements. The plain yogurt can be eaten, but also applied topically onto the vulva or inserted.

  1. Boric acid

This potent antiseptic is claimed by some people to be beneficial in relieving yeast infections that are resistant to other cures. The boric acid suppositories can be used in combination with meds to alleviate the infections. 

When taken in large amounts, boric acid is toxic and can cause kidney damage, circulatory system failure, and even death! 

This is why it must never be used by pregnant women, taken orally, or applied to broken skin. People with sensitive skin should also avoid it and use should be stopped. 

  1. Coconut oil

This fatty oil is derived from coconut flesh. 

It has numerous health advantages, including an antifungal capacity. 

According to studies, it can be helpful against candida. To relieve the infection, always opt for pure coconut organic oil and apply it topically.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar has numerous medicinal uses and there’s more research on some and less on others. For yeast infection, it’s recommended to soak in a bathtub with half a cup of apple-67 cider vinegar mixed in lukewarm water. 

This bath isn’t the same as douching; this removes both good and bad bacteria from the vulva. Before it touches the skin, vinegar should always be diluted in water.
