Suffering from Cystitis?-These 5 Natural Remedies can Help

Cystitis is a term used to denote a bladder inflammation. Inflammation means that a part of the body is swollen, red, or irritated.

Usually, cystitis is caused by a UTI and UTIs occur when bacteria go into the urethra or bladder and starts multiplying. 

This may also happen with any other naturally-occurring bacteria in the body if it’s unbalanced. This can result in infection and inflammation. 

Cystitis may not always be caused by an infection. In fact, some meds or hygiene products can also increase inflammation. 

The treatment of cystitis depends on the cause. Most of the cases are acute or happen all of a sudden. Though it’s possible in anyone, women suffer from it more often. 

What Are the Most Common Signs of Cystitis? 

Cystitis can either be acute or interstitial. The former happens suddenly whereas the latter is chronic cystitis that has influenced various layers of the bladder tissue. 

  • Cloudy and strong-smelling urine
  • Painful intercourse
  • Bladder fullness and pressure sensations 
  • Cramps in the back or abdomen 
  • The constant need for urination
  • Need to urinate after urination 
  • Low fever if it’s in combination with a UTI 
  • Bloody urine 

When a bladder infection spreads to the kidneys, it may become serious. Some of the symptoms are vomiting, back or side ache, chills, and nausea.

How Is Cystitis Treated?

When cystitis is bacterial, antibiotics are usually used for the treatment. The interstitial can be treated with meds and the meds depend on the cause. 

Home care is also an option. The most common options are heating pads to the back or abdomen, taking OTC meds like acetaminophen and ibuprofen, and doing sitz baths to clean the pelvic area. 

When it can be managed at home, cystitis can be relieved with plenty of fluids, taking cranberry juice and tablets, wearing looser clothing, and not consuming drinks or foods that worsen the symptoms.

There are also some herbs and plants that may be of aid in the healing process. Learn about them below:

  • Dandelion tea

Dandelion is praised for its ability to reduce the painful urination common with cystitis. 

It possesses diuretic characteristics and also boosts urine production and the removal of bacteria from the urinary tract. To make the tea, you’ll need:

A tsp of dandelion

A cup of boiling water


Add the dandelion to the boiling water. Cover the container and leave it for 10 minutes before you strain it into a cup. Consume two cups per day until you notice relief. 

  • Marjoram

Marjoram is rich in hydroquinone known to possess antibiotic characteristics that can be of aid in the fight against urinary infections. 

It will clean the bladder and lower the inflammation processes. To make the tea, you’ll need:

A tsp of marjoram 

A cup of water


Boil the water and then add the marjoram to it. Cover the tea and leave it to steep for 10 minutes before you strain it off into a cup. 

It’s best to start consuming it at the first symptoms of cystitis. Opt for two to three cups per day.

  • Mallow

This plant is abundant in anthocyanins and tannins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory characteristics and may be of aid in reducing bladder inflammation during infections. 

The tea from mallow can also reduce discomfort during urination and bring relief. To make the tea, you’ll need:

            A tsp of dried mallow flowers

            A cup of water


Put the flowers into the water and bring the content to boil. Lower the heat to low once it reaches a boiling point and leave it to simmer for three to five minutes. 

Then, remove the pot from the heat and cover the tea. Let it steep for 10 minutes and then strain it. Opt for two cups of this tea per day.

  •         Thyme 

Thyme is a herb that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics that play a role in cleansing the bladder in case of cystitis. 

The compounds lower bacterial growth and alleviate symptoms like burning and painful urination. To make the tea, you’ll need:

A cup of water

A tsp of thyme


Add the thyme to the water and bring the content to a boil. Once it boils, remove it from the heat, cover it, and leave it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. 

Afterward, strain the content into a cup and consume it. Opt for two cups of this tea daily. 

  • Echinacea 

This plant is often praised for its analgesic and antibiotic characteristics that can be of aid in the treatment of UTIs. 

Moreover, it will strengthen the body’s defense against bacteria and encourage healing. 

To make the tea, you’ll need:

A tsp of echinacea 

A cup of water


Add the echinacea to a cup of water and bring the content to a boil. 

Once it boils, remove it from heat and cover it. Leave it for 10 minutes before you strain it off. Opt for two to three cups of tea daily. 
