Only a Teaspoon of Cumin Powder May Help Stimulate Your Weight Loss Efforts by 50%

Cumin is one of the most popular spices in the world and it’s commonly present in various cuisines. It’s made from ground-up seeds of the plant known as Cuminum cyminum. 

It belongs to the parsley family and it’s grown mostly in India, Mexico, and China.

Cumin is praised not just for adding a unique flavor to meals, but also for its impressive health benefits. 

Cumin betters the metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, and balances the blood sugar. According to studies, consuming it regularly may also be of aid for some people in encouraging weight loss. 

Could a Tsp of Cumin Help Jump-Start Your Weight Loss Efforts?

In a study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, cumin was found to possess certain weight loss benefits. Iranian team of researchers wanted to discover the effect of this spice on blood fat levels and body composition.

For this purpose, they divided 88 overweight or obese women into one of two groups. In both groups, the participants had to follow a lowered calorie diet and also received regular nutrition counseling.  

However, only one of the groups consumed yogurt with three grams of cumin, twice per day. The other group consumed only plain yogurt. 

The monitoring lasted for three months and the end results showed that the group that consumed cumin on average lost around 50 percent more weight than the women from the control group.

This group also experienced a reduction in body fat by 14.64 percent or three times more than the lost amount of the control group. 

What’s more, the group that consumed cumin experienced a reduction in BMI and waist circumference which was more noticeable than that of the control group. 

The Potential Weight Loss Benefits of Cumin

According to the authors of the study, the weight loss properties of cumin may stem from its ability to boost the metabolic rate temporarily. Compared to the control group whose triglyceride levels dropped five points, their triglyceride levels dropped 23 points. 

The group that consumed cumin also experienced an average 10-point reduction in their LDL cholesterol. The control group had less than one point reduction. 

Cumin has more than 100 chemicals, including essential fatty acids and volatile oils. It also plays a role in the regulation of blood lipid levels.

Could Cumin Supplementation Be Helpful for Weight Loss?

The research team concluded that the addition of cumin may help in reducing the bad cholesterol and triglycerides, but also lower the risk factors for metabolic syndrome. 

To use it for weight loss, opt for a cumin drink or jeera water.

To make it, steep two tsp of cumin seeds in ⅕ quarts of boiling water and strain the content. Consume the infused water. 

This is a great beverage to jump-start the metabolism, balance the levels of sugar, and better the hydration levels. 

Anecdotal evidence claim that jeera water consumed twice per day on an empty belly gives the best results. Another way to use cumin for weight loss is to use cumin supplements that are consumed with food once daily or according to the instructions. 

Cumin spice is also easily added to any diet. Chili powder, ground cumin, and cumin seeds are rich in antioxidant and metabolism-improving characteristics.
