5 Impressive Reasons Why Guava Leaves Should Be Part of Every Healthy Diet

In tropical parts of the planet, consuming guava tea is a daily ritual. And, this comes as no surprise considering the abundance of nutrients and deliciousness that this tea has to offer.

Guava leaves, the young ones, are brewed to prepare this nutrient-rich and yummy tea. 

Although it’s most popular in South America and Mexico, it’s becoming more and more popular in North America and Europe due to its health benefits.

5 Impressive Reasons Why Guava Tea Deserves to Be Part of Your Diet

  1. Strengthens the immunity

Guava is abundant in vitamin C. 

This vitamin plays a pivotal role in keeping the immunity strong and reducing the risk of catching colds thanks to its antimicrobial properties. 

Guavas are said to be one of the most abundant fruits in vitamin C and their content is actually double of the content of vitamin C in oranges. 

One guava fruit supplies you with around 200 mg of vitamin C. In addition to providing this vitamin, this tea will nourish you with other nutrients like fiber, vitamin A, and potassium too!

  1. Alleviates diarrhea

Traditionally, guava leaves tea has been used to stop diarrhea. 

And, several animal studies have also found that it may be of aid for diarrhea relief. A 2015 study done with lab animals found that guava has the power to keep diarrhea under control and lower the symptoms of E.coli. 

Boil a handful of rice with 30 grams of guava leaves in water. Strain the content and consume it at least twice per day if you need to relieve diarrhea. 

In case of dysentery, boil the leaves and root of guava for around 15 minutes and then consume the strained content

  1. Supports your weight loss efforts

Guava fruit is weight-loss friendly as it’s a low-calorie fruit that makes an awesome snack. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals and can help you reach your desired weight without having to give up important nutrients.

  1. Balances the blood sugar levels

In some animal studies, guava leaves were found to boost insulin resistance and reduce blood sugar levels. 

Some human studies have also found it beneficial for people with diabetes. 

In one study, 20 people with diabetes type 2 consumed tea from guava leaves and it was concluded that they experienced a reduction in their blood sugar levels after meals by 10 percent. 

  1. Protects the cardiovascular health

Guava leaves have been linked with reduced blood pressure and reduced levels of bad cholesterol associated with a higher risk of strokes and heart disease. 

This is why guava leaves tea may be of aid for the maintenance of a healthy heart. 

In fact, in a study, over a period of 12 weeks, the participants who consumed guava prior to meals experienced a drop in their cholesterol by 9.9 percent as well as a lower level of blood pressure and increase in their good cholesterol. 

How to Prep Guava Leaves Tea?

You’ll need:

A handful of guava leaves

Four cups of water


Boil the water and then add the previously rinsed guava leaves. Boil them for 10 minutes and then put the content aside.

Strain it into a cup and drink it. You can sweeten the tea with honey if you want to.
