8 Tips for Better Sleep without any Need for Prescriptions

Sleep is more important than we give it credit. Sometimes, due to being so busy with our lives, we don’t even get the needed seven to eight hours.

Sleep deprivation can cause a lot of other health problems. If you’re also struggling with poor sleep, it’s important to know that sleeping meds aren’t your only option.

In fact, they can do more harm than good. With this in mind, we’ll share 8 useful tips to sleep better naturally!

8 Tips for a Better Sleep without Prescriptions

  1. Have a relaxing before-bed routine

Whether it’s a bath, a meditation, or reading a book, make sure your routine before bed is relaxing. 

This is because stress causes higher secretion of cortisol, the hormone of stress which causes us to be more alert and less sleepy. 

  1. Don’t forget the math

If you’re lacking sleep, sit down and do the math to find out the time necessary to get the needed hours of sleep. 

If this is an issue for you yet you have to wake up early in the morning, set an alarm when it’s time to get ready for bed at the optimal time. 

  1. Set the internal clock 

When you have a consistent sleep schedule, your internal clock will work better. 

This will require going to bed and waking up at the same time. What’s more, try to adhere to the schedule even on weekends. 

This will prevent the risk of insomnia and other sleeping issues.

  1. Sleep naked if it feels better

When you sleep naked, you don’t have any material that bothers you-you’re entirely free. Moreover, this will keep an optimal body temperature and enable the body to balance out the production of cortisol and prevent its levels from going up.

  1. Don’t sleep in warm rooms

When you sleep in very warm rooms, you may struggle with insomnia. 

The body will fall asleep easier at an adequate temperature, somewhere between 60 and 67 degrees.

  1. Exercise in the morning

Our bodies benefit from regular exercise, but only if done at the proper time of the day. Since exercise stimulates the secretion of cortisol, avoid working out at night to prevent insomnia. 

Do it at least three hours before bedtime or in the morning.

  1. Count your blessings

Write down your struggles that are keeping you up at night. 

Journal your worries and then physically and mentally put them aside and dedicate yourself to rest and sleep. 

Count the things you’re grateful for instead of giving all of your attention to the problems. Journaling before bed can do wonders for you!

  1. Sleep naked with a partner

If you’re sleeping with a partner, do it naked! This maximizes skin-on-skin contact which boosts the secretion of oxytocin. 

This neurotransmitter or the hormone of happiness helps you feel better, more relaxed, and happier. In turn, you’ll fall asleep easier.
