The Causes of Food Cravings & Useful Tips to End Them

The cravings for food are the worst enemy of those trying to lose weight. These cravings are uncontrollable needs for some foods and they’re stronger than normal hunger. 

The foods that people crave vary; however, the most commonly craved foods are junk foods and foods rich in sugar. 

Cravings are one of the contributing factors to unsuccessful weight loss and prevent the lost weight from coming back.

What Causes Cravings?

According to studies, frequent dieting may impede one’s ability to make good food choices and thus, increase the cravings for foods that are off the list. 

This happens because most diets focus on restricting the dieter’s intake of so-called unhealthy and junk foods. However, these foods are often made to be appealing to our brain’s reward center.

When the brain has been “rewarded” by these foods, the habit is strengthened and we continue looking for another reward that’s similar. And, when we follow restrictive diets, these cravings intensify. 

Tips to Stop Unhealthy Food Cravings 

  1. Drink water 

Thirst is often thought to be food cravings or hunger. This is why, when you feel a need for some food, you should drink a glass of water first. 

Wait for several minutes and if the cravings go away, it was probably just thirst. 

If the craving is still there, you’re probably hungry and in need of a meal. Consuming plenty of water has a lot of health advantages. 

Drinking water before meals may help lower the appetite and encourage weight loss.

  1. Boost the consumption of protein

Consuming protein helps lower the appetite and prevents overeating. 

Moreover, it decreases cravings and prolongs satiety. 

In a study done with teen girls, a protein-rich breakfast helped decrease unhealthy food cravings significantly. 

  1. Stay away from the craving

When you crave something, try to get further away from it. 

For example, head for a shower or a brisk walk. Or, do some reading. 

Changing your thoughts and surroundings may help end the craving. Some studies also point out that chewing gum may lower cravings and appetite. 

  1. Make a meal plan

If you’re dealing with food cravings, try to make a meal plan for the day or the whole week. 

When you know what you’re going to eat, you remove the spontaneity factor and remove the possibility of cravings. 

When you know what to focus on, the temptation will be lower.

  1. Don’t get very hungry

Hunger is one of the biggest enemies of our eating habits. 

To prevent extreme hunger, eat meals regularly and always have healthy snacks nearby. When you’re well prepared and never leave yourself hungry for long periods of time, you may prevent cravings.

  1. Manage stress

Stress may encourage food cravings and affect your eating attitudes.

This is particularly the case with women. Women who’re stressed tend to consume more calories and struggle with more cravings than women who stress less. 

Too much stress increases cortisol levels. This hormone can cause weight gain, particularly in the midsection. Some of the best ways to address stress are exercise, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, etc. 
